Saturday, March 15, 2003

Bah, all this ranking business...who needs it!*

*::secretely longs to be ranked somewhere but is not nearly popular enough and doesn't even know the people who do rankings::

Maybe I'll start my own ranking system. But what a rip off that would be. And everyone would go "Robin, you suck, get a life"...wait, everyone does that already.

But all this ranking business makes me think about the quality of my own blog. I break all rules to good blogs:

1. Don't just list things that happened in your day.
Yeah...just look at my last post. Oops.

2. Update frequently
I do that...sort of...except when I don't feel like it..which can be for days at a time...

3. Be witty and amusing while maintaining a well written post
Does being melodramatic and complaining about your job/play/school work count? And as for well written....I write well. Except when I just put one line posts. 'Cause those aren't very interesting.

So clearly, I wouldn't do so well in the rankings if I were ranked. Although would I get points for my HTML skills? And for the originality of not having a decent blog? How about some points for all my self-deprecation? C'mon...pity points!

Ooh, accident on Valley, must go stare at it like a dog watching Jeopardy.


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