Friday, December 06, 2002

Yay! I found something to do! Woohoo!

Soon after saying I wanted to go out and take pictures, I got a call from Philippe saying that he and Mike and Miles and Mari were all at Miles's (fuck Miles, why does your name have to have an S at the end?! It just confuses everything!) house. So I convinced my mom to take me there after much "Um...well, I don't know...let me think about it..the roads are pretty bad...oh, okay". And then on the way there was lots of, "I can't believe I'm driving in this weather, this is so stupid. You're a spoiled brat, you know that?".....thanks Mom.

Got to Miles's (damn apostrophes) house after half an hour of driving at ten miles an hour to find people under blankets claiming to not be wearing clothing. Greaaat, I'd driven all this way for a naked party.

But not really. Everyone was clothed and just being silly. But you believed me for a minute, right?....Nevermind, it's late and I don't make so much sense right now.

We ended up watching part of Jesus Christ Superstar which was a crappy video, but probably a very good production live. After that it was time for pizza. I can't believe they actually delivered on a day like today.

I can't think of anything witty to say about these events and it's kind of upsetting me. Anyway, moving on.

Matt called at some point to say he was walking over. After pizza we were sitting around and someone said, "That's it. Matt's dead. He's just a lump covered with snow by now."...of course Matt picked right then to finally get there in three layers of clothing and a ski mask. Great timing.

Following that there was talk of going to Mike's house, except that no one's clothes were dry from sledding so we had to wait around for that. We hung around in the basement for a little bit where Mari and I tried on Joseph wigs and all the guys played ping pong (ack, even on a snow day!). We finally realized that the clothes wouldn't be dry anytime soon and it was much warmer upstairs, so we went up there and started playing Silent Football. Very strange game, but hilarious. Although my mom called in the middle to say she was picking me up and I ended up getting 30 or so penance points for talking and getting up and I don't even know what. After that was The Haha game where everyone puts their heads on each others stomachs and's exactly as weird as it sounds. But it was also very funny. I kept laughing (actual laughing, not haha game laughing...oh damn that's confusing, nevermind) and screwing it up because when you laugh your stomach moves and then the person lying on your stomach starts laughing and it's a big mess. At one point Miles's mother came downstairs, took one look at us and said, "I need a camera." She couldn't find one, but I had brought my digital camera on the off chance that something picture worthy would happen (yeah, I'm a freak who brings my camera everywhere, shut up) and she took a picture of us. There were a couple more pictures after that, all of them very funny, mostly of people making weird faces or of the dog covered in snow. Then my mom showed up and I had to leave and apparently missed a whole bunch of fun at Mike's house. Oh well.

And now I have to leave for DC tomorrow morning and I don't want to. :::sigh::: Ever notice how I never seem to want to go anywhere? That's possibly because I'm always going with my parents. Oh well. Hopefully this will be okay, although the snowy driving will probably scare me somewhat. Did I suddenly develop a fear of travel or something? That would suck. Anyway, I'll see you all (maybe...I'm not sure who reads this anymore...if you're someone I never talk to, I probably won't see you) when I get back, I hope. G'night.


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