Sunday, October 20, 2002

Let's see, what to write....

Yesterday I was at Molly's house with my family and her family and Laurel's family and one of our other neighbor's families having a big brunch. Eventually Molly, Laurel and I got bored and went over to my house to see my headshots and watch a movie. So we're sitting there watching a movie when I randomly say, "I don't want to go to homecoming, I'll be all by myself and I'll be miserable." They tried telling me I was stupid and it would be fun anyway, but it wasn't really working. Not fifteen minutes later, the phone rings and it's Matt saying he was just convinced to go to homecoming and do I want to go with him?


So I say yes, despite the fact that I've only known him for about three days, since he seems nice enough. But obviously after I hung up the phone I got very suspicious, so we all went upstairs to the computer, went online and IMed Philippe saying "Did you just convince Matt to go to homecoming?! WITH ME?!?" since I had been whining to him earlier about being afraid I'd be the only loser without a date (yeah, I know, a little overdramatic, right?). Barely five seconds after that, Miles IM's me saying "Good news. I got Matt to go to homecoming with you." which was surprising 'cause I didn't think Miles would actually care that much if I had someone to go with or not.

So homecoming was fun, even though the music was so loud that for awhile I couldn't hear out of my right ear. And the fact that it was so dark you could barely see who was who was good because if it had been any lighter I doubt I would have danced as much. There's no way I'd dance when I know people can actually see how much of a spaz I am. A lot of my friends were there and for once in my life I didn't feel like a third wheel all the time. And now Matt and I are friends, which is cool. And I'm glad I have friends who'll remember I'm dateless and get someone to go with me to a dance.

So it turned out to be lots of fun and not worth dreading at all.

AND people liked my dress.

And a big thank you to Miles who will have some kind of aneurysm if he doesn't get credit for getting Matt to ask me. I'm very grateful.


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