Tuesday, October 15, 2002

You know your life is like a sitcom when you're finally falling asleep at 3 in the morning only to be awakened five minutes later by your cat trying to force your door open by running into it head first.

Damn smart animals, those cats.

I got into Parnassian! Okay, honestly, I kinda knew I was getting in, but I couldn't really believe it 'cause my brain is backwards or something. For some reason I've got this thing where I think if you think something bad's gonna happen, something good will happen or vice versa. Like how you'll say "I'm gonna fail that English test" and then you get an A on it. I don't know, I think I'm a bit of a freak.

Ronnie brought in baby cockroaches today and at the same time a centipede attacked our bio class and everyone started freaking out. I told Ronnie to feed the centipede to the cockroaches, but apparently they don't like things alive. Gross.

Also: New rule for people going into town. If it's lunch time and you're not a high school student, you're not allowed to be there. You take up all the parking spaces and make road rage-y teenage girls like me get angry and have to circle around for fifteen minutes trying to park. Get out. No one wants you.


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