Tuesday, August 27, 2002

And here comes my old friend boredom.....
...Oh boredom, how I've NOT missed thee.

Also...why do people think it's cool to ask me stupid questions about things I obviously don't care about? Just stop trying, I don't want to talk to you, damnit!

And one last thing...WHY DON'T MY COMMENTS WORK?!

What's the point without comments?

Went to the movies with Kaity and got pissed off by annoying little 8th grade boys who were talking. Then went to Maplewood Diner and had the nicest waitress ever who gave us the leftover milkshake stuff and didn't think it was strange for two girls who looked like anorexic 12 year olds to walk in at 10:00 at night and barely order any food.

AND I didn't get lost once. Except that time when I missed Kait's house again...but that's 'cause she lives in the middle of nowhere.

I hate the center of town. It's always full of snobby people who pretend not to see me or 8th graders who think they're too cool to have lives. That's one of the things that's cool about NYC. There's always somewhere to go and it's easy to avoid people you don't want to see.

I'm going to stop writing since I'm starting to sound like one of those people who lock themselves in their houses and only come out to get food because they hate the human race so much.

And I'm sleepy.


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