Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tasty metal...

So here's what's been up.

Most of the week I've been waking up feeling kinda weird, dizzy and headachey and such. By Thursday I was freaked out enough by it to go to the doctor who sent me for a blood test (mm, pleasant) and it turns out I'm anemic. Not a big surprise since my diet sucks and I eat lots of junk and barely ever have red meat or veggies. Yeah....seriously, I'm dumb.

Anyway, I'm going to be taking iron supplements but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for good food that has iron in it that doesn't taste like dirt. I'd greatly appreciate anyone's ideas.

Also, Jake already made lame Magneto jokes at me so there's no need to embarass yourselves. ;-)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment was both comical and appropriate.

You just don't appreciate my humor.

Wed Apr 05, 04:48:00 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

broccoli! best vegetable ever, and not just because it contains a lot of iron. mostly because it's awesome

Wed Apr 05, 10:11:00 PM  

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