Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My vocabulary is limited...

Y'know what sucks?* When your English teacher grades on your organizational skills. Y'know what sucks even more? When you kind of lack organizational skills, but still do all the work and are awesome, but because you forgot that one of your pieces of work was in a different part of your folder or assumed she didn't need to see something again that she's already graded because it's not like she gave you a list of exactly what she wanted to see, you get a C on your "journal" which is worth far too much of your final grade. Y'know what REALLY sucks? When you find this out in the middle of your little mental celebration over being one of only two people in your class to get an A on the midterm. And what sucks the most? While attempting to come to terms with the massive amount of suckage that's taking place, the teacher hands you the essay you absolutely despised writing and stayed up till wretchedly late hours of the morning editing, and wants you to revise it.

"Wretched" is a really fantastic word.

Meanwhile, what the hell kind of college professor grades on how well you keep your notebook organized? The last time I had to do that was 7th grade and it was ridiculous then, too! I mean, this was her way of seeing that we did all the homework assignments, but there was a spot on the grading paper for organization, plus she wanted to see things she'd already graded (so why did she need to see them again?) AND photocopies of stories we'd read (seriously, what the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING?!)

*How many posts do I start this way? Whatever, I'm too disappointed to think of a more interesting way of saying it.


Blogger David said...

I wish I had learned better organizational skills, but I'm glad I was never graded on them.

Wed Mar 22, 08:57:00 PM  

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