Sunday, April 23, 2006


I am really really hungry. I'm at work. More places in town should deliver. The only place that does is the Japanese place and I don't want Japanese food. Sigh.

Also, I just yelled at a guy for putting a movie through the mail slot while we're open. Now I kinda fear he's going to come back and tell me off. He said it was 'cause he had a kid in the car and had to watch the kid. My feeling is that take your kid out of the damn car or walk inside for the literally extra two seconds it would take to return them inside. Just 'cause you have a kid doesn't give you special rule breaking privileges.

Blogger spell check sucks, btw.

Now some woman just called me and just completely flipped out over the fact that her dvd's are a day late. I wonder what she acts like when her period's late. Geez.

I really want a turkey burger, damnit. I can order from this place that delivers, but they take FOREVER and it costs a lot and the last time I did the delivery guy gave me a nasty look when he finally got here like "Ugh, you made me come all the way down here". Fuck you, delivery man. That's your job. And you have an ugly beard.

I'm so done with school. Too bad school isn't ACTUALLY done for another two weeks.

I just was about to cave and call the delivery place only to realize they're closed today. Grr. I ate a kitkat. It really didn't help.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

why didnt you call me?!!!

next time you get hungry call me and i can watch the store while you get food. serioulsy, i dont mind.

Tue Apr 25, 02:44:00 PM  

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