Saturday, November 05, 2005

Whee out of it....

Guess what came back? My pretty stomach acid thingy. So I got all sick last night and then in the morning when trying to call people to see if they'd cover my shift at work got all frustrated 'cause I don't have people's numbers and/or phones were off and/or people were sleeping. Plus I accidently called Jeanne twice really early when I was trying to call my boss. Sorry Jeanne! I love you!!

So I went to work on pretty much an hour sleep, but fortunetely I was feeling much less gross by then. And my boss was very sweet when she called me and offered to drive an hour and take over for me, but I said no, 'cause it was an hour and I had already called Brooke who is way closer. And she saved me! Yay Brooke! You are my hero!

So Brooke came in and took over for me 'cause she's awesome and I got to go home and call the doctor who never picked up and then pass out in bed and wake up a couple hours later very confused and thinking it was the middle of the night. That only happens when I'm REAAAALLY tired.

And now I lie in bed with my saltines and water and I love the 80's 3D. And Mulan is a great movie, I watched it again this morning for like..the 5th time at work and it made me feel slightly less unhappy.

Alright, I'm kinda out of it, heh. Sorry for the randomness. Off I go. Brooke is awesome and so is Mulan. Mm, love you all, bye bye.


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