Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Guess who held a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach today? That's right. You know you're jealous. Ronnie brought them in and came by our bio class and showed them off and some of us held them. I'm very proud of myself for not completely freaking out and dropping the thing and running from the room screaming. 'Specially since I've had nightmares where bugs that look exactly like that start swarming at me and they're really scary. But this was kind of cool, it has little sticky feet and everything. I did give it back to Ronnie pretty quickly, though. But at least I held it instead of squeeling and running away.


Overheard in study yesterday:

Kid #1: I gotta go pick up college applications.
Kid #2: Oh, yeah, I already know where I'm going. I'm going to UMH.
Kid #1: What's that?
Kid #2: University of My House

And you think this ISN'T funny?! You're no fun....


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