Thursday, August 08, 2002

Nobody's online. :-( Or at least nobody I feel like talking to...

Slept way too late again. I'm going to have to work on that, I think. Maybe try setting my alarm? I guess that's the first step. The second step would be actually getting up when it rings and not just groping around for the off button and then going back to sleep. And I'm sure that NOT going to sleep at 4 in the morning might help.

I was feeling kinda down before because I realized I really did not want to go on vacation with my parents for ten days. I want to visit my aunt and uncle and all their cute little animals (that's the main purpose of the trip), but we're driving there and taking a really long time and stopping at colleges and then stopping at colleges on the way back and I just don't want to deal with it. And I know I'll probably be extremely sick of my parents by the time we get back. Why is it that all year long I complain about how much I want out of Maplewood and just when I get the chance I find that I'd rather stay here?

So after those very sad and overly dramatic thoughts, Josh IMed me and we went and watched Fight Club. That cheered me up. Despite the savage beatings and shootings and explosions and the mass confusion.

I got home and my mom called from her conference.

Mom: So what movie did you see?
Robin: Fight Club
Mom: Fight Club?! Oh ew, gross, Robin! Ugh, that's disgusting!
Robin: Mom! Have you ever even seen fight club?
Mom: Uh....(insert humorous crickets chirping and dead silence kind of noises here)....No

And this is why my life reminds me so much of a sitcom.


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