Wednesday, August 07, 2002

No more evil deadjournal! This place is prettier AND it's harder for people you don't like to track you down. And it's only made me reload twice. :-\

Today was my senior picture. I woke up at 9, ate breakfast, took a shower, tried to make myself look pretty even though my mother took every single lipstick in the house with her to her conference, and was ready to go by 10:25. I went downstairs, picked up the card I was supposed to bring with me to give them, looked at the time written on the card and saw that it said 10:00 AM, not 10:30 as I had thought.


So after the screaming fit I grabbed my keys and drove to school anyway to see if I could still take my picture. And after all that drama the guy just said to me, "Sure, I don't care about the time, as long as you're here before 2."

So then why did I have to get up at 9? Oh well, it was fine and I took the pictures which I probably look pretty strange in. I didn't know when he was going to take the picture so I just kept smiling and smiling and smiling until my face went numb. And I think I was wearing too much make up, but I always think I'm wearing too much make up.

Then tonight I went to the mall with Kaity and got an overpriced cover for my cell phone. We went to Hot Topic and I was sure I was going to get kicked out because I was wearing a shirt with a big yellow flower on it. I don't really think they like big yellow flowers in Hot Topic. Had pizza with her and her mother and sister and her sister's weird friend who kept saying he was an alien and being disgusting. I should be used to ten year olds by now, shouldn't I? It was fun anyway, despite the freaky kid.

And now I think I'll shut up because I have written way too much about a pretty boring day.


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