Wednesday, November 30, 2005


People need to take the computer away from me when I'm that tired.


Also, I watched Polar Express at work today. It was okay, might have even been considered good if it weren't for the singing. Random singing loses points.

I doubt you'll understand her mind...

I don't like blackouts.

When I was younger, I was terribly afraid of the dark. I still have that little jump of fear in my chest when it's pitch black. If I can't see I get kind of claustrophobic, feel like I can't breathe so well, like the dark's going to drown me. It's pretty silly. But hey, I'm a jittery kind of girl, what can I do? I take a deep breath and try to find a flash light.

I've always been extra sensitive to electronics, it seems, and that weird little high pitched hum they make. I could always tell when something gets turned on or off in another room. I guess most people can usually tell, but I seem to be a little more sensitive to it than others. Whenever the power went out when I was younger, even when I was fast asleep, I'd sense it and wake up right away. This wasn't really any fun for anyone since the dark scared the crap out of me. In second grade the power went out and I woke up. I should have gone right back to sleep as it was the middle of the night, but instead I stayed up till 5 in the morning. The sun had come up before the power came back on and I stayed up anyway. Though I think by that point I thought it was just kind of fun to be awake so late at night.

One time I woke up to screaming because the power had gone out. It's really quite confusing to be woken by someone screaming at the top of their lungs and find out that it's you.

My parents took me on a ride at Epcot once, and there was a short part of total darkness and I started squirming and wimpering and tearing up despite the fact that I was far too old to be so upset by the dark. My mother kept scolding me, saying I was just upsetting the young kid in front of me even more than he already was (I wasn't the only one who didn't like the dark, apparently).

There was a black out tonight around 12:30. I should have just ignored it and gone to bed, but I couldn't. I had to wait for the power to come back. I think part of me is scared that it'll never be light again and I need to know for sure that it will be. In 8th grade I got some kind of virus and was awake three nights in a row and every night I felt like it'd never be light again. It was very depressing and I'd cry, half out of discomfort for being sick and half because I wanted the sun to come back.

I took a flashlight to the front door and shined it up and down the block, half hoping someone else would be awake and standing at their door seeing what was going on. No one came outside. It felt terribly lonely. Once I went to Molly's house during a blackout and played Clue in the dark with her and her parents. I think that's the most comfortable I'd ever been in a black out, not really scared at all. But Molly's away and it was very late anyway, so I sat on my couch and lit some candles and stared into space because I couldn't think of anything better to do.

It wasn't a great time for a black out.

This has been a rough week.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Cool site

Type in a band you like and it'll find more music similar to it and play it for you. So far it's fantastic.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Charity for November:

St. Jude's Childrens Hospital


I love you

Hung out with people I haven't seen in a very long time and it was fantastic.

Robin is happy. :-D

P.S. Real post one of these days...really.

P.P.S. Miles if you're reading this, we miss you, come back.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Dear World...

In case you haven't noticed?

It's snowing!!!!

::twirls in snow::

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Why Charlize Theron is my new hero...


Hot Hollywood couple Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend are planning to wed the day it becomes legal for gays and lesbians to wed across America. The longtime couple are tired of being asked about their marriage plans so they've come up with a novel line to keep the press happy. Theron tells US news show Extra, "We came up with a new idea that we said that we would get married the day that gays and lesbians can get married - when that right is given to them. We've decided that we're gonna use that in a positive way, so the day that law gets passed then we'll get married."

I think that is way cool. Hooray, Charlize Theron!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I tip my hat to you...

Edwin McCain had one popular song in 1998 and nothing since then (that I'm aware of), yet he's still on every damn "I love the whatever" show there is. And he's always somewhat amusing.

Way to go Edwin McCain. Way to go.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

You don't look Jewish...

Alright, definitely hating the new picture. Must change later.

Anyway, I think everyone in my history class possibly hates me. My teacher was asking something like, "If Jews and Christians and Muslims all have one god, is it the same god?".

And some girl goes, "Well don't the Jews call god 'yahweh'?" or something like that and I got slightly too defensive and was like, "No!! Jews call god 'Adonai'" 'cause "Yahweh" is this very old fashionedy thing they taught in schools which is the literal pronounciation of the hebrew spelling of "Adonai" which is supposed to be unpronouncable and when you see it's supposed to mean "Adonai" and not be read phoenetically...I hope I explained that okay.*

I think I got that all right, not sure. But yeah, I think I might have gotten slightly too defensivey when I was really more thinking "Wtf, who still teaches that?" and now I'm afraid the people in my class don't like me. 'Cause I think some of them were a little iffy on Jews in the first place since when my teacher said he was Jewish some guy was like "You're a Jew?!" and then this other girl wouldn't believe him and made a face when she found out he was Jewish. She flipped it around later, but I still remember the face she made.

Only place I've ever really felt like people might not like me 'cause of my religion.

Crazy school.

Time for math. Adios.

*EDITED for Linda's explanation that I'm just copying and pasting: if you're interested, the actual thing is that god's real name is so holy we can't say it, and adonai is what we say instead, while yahweh is like you said the literal pronunciation of the spelling of the real name that most people don't even know because no one ever says it

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Like the new pic? The old one was just so serious.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm watching the West Wing marathon on Bravo and I have a few comments.

1. I thought they were using one of my favorite songs from when I was younger...a really jazzy song back when I listened to the jazz station my dad always had on....turns out it wasn't, but I still like it.

2. And more importantly, if politicians were really as hot as the chick they just showed playing a senator, I'm sure there would be many more people interested in politics.

Also, Mike Patierno, should you for some reason read this, I miss you!

Dear Adult Swim,

You know I adore you, unnaturally so, but after seeing 12 Oz. Mouse I believe that your new company motto should be "For people on acid, by people on acid."

All my love (and I really do love you except when you put on crap shows),

P.S. Please bring back Venture Bros. already and take this *b@%!s@#5 off the air. I'm begging you.

*random cursing symbols are fun

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Palestinian's Organs go to Israel

After their son is accidently shot by Israeli soldiers, parents donate his organs to Israeli's as a gesture of peace.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Totally asking for it...

I usually have about fourty minutes between my history and math class to sit around in the computer lab and be bored senseless. Give me interesting things to do. Interesting things I can do in the computer lab without getting arrested or kicked out, that is...

P.S. Trying to figure out taking winter classes....that's like...3 hours of Spanish a day four days a week for three weeks...I don't know if I can take it....

Monday, November 07, 2005

And btw, I guess that whole "Batman/Maybe I'm not a man" thing was only funny to me 'cause I'm insane and four years old and he had this deep serious voice and it sounded like he was all "Maybe I'm a drag queen"....

....Shut up.

Swooning like a...thing that swoons....

Well that was a bit of a crack head entry...

So anyway. I never mentioned awhile ago how when I got my replacement iPod, the guy who gave it to me turned out to be an old substitute teacher from high school. I remember him from when I was a freshmen, maybe a sophmore, but he was gone after that, I'm pretty sure. He was really young looking so most people didn't realize he was the sub until he started telling everyone to sign in for attendence. He was also REALLY CUTE. He kind of looks like the blonde guy from One Tree Hill, but a little older and less pouty. I didn't realize he was my old sub at first, until I just blurted out that he looked familiar. Kind of felt the need to explain why I'd been staring at him while he helped other people for like twenty minutes (which was only partially 'cause he looked so familiar...did I mention the cute aspect?). Amazingly, he actualy said I looked familiar, too (like omg the totally cute teacher remembers me!! ::squee::). So after some questioning "Oh, you went to my high school? When did you graduate? What's your last name?" I realized he was the sub that Kait and I used to sit in chorus staring at and daring each other to go talk to him. I think I started blushing. I hope not, and if I did, I hope he didn't notice. I'm sure he knew everyone had a crush on him. How could he not?

Anyway, we had a nice little conversation that made me feel like I'd grown up a lot since 9th grade when I could barely manage a " have a bathroom pass...::giggle::?" and then I left and felt all giddy 'cause...he's still REALLY CUTE.

And that's kinda saying something, 'cause I'm not usually swoon girl. At least I think I'm not. Unless you're the doctor from Firefly. Then I will swoon like crazy and then attempt to seduce you with my sexy how articulate I am, apparently....(ho hum no one's gonna get that joke)...

Oh, and Kait, if you're reading this....Colin Hanks (Aleeexxx!!!!!) is going to be on that show Numbers on Friday playing a math nerd. I'm gonna Tivo it if you want to see it. :-D Mm. Math nerd. So completely my type.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Whee out of it....

Guess what came back? My pretty stomach acid thingy. So I got all sick last night and then in the morning when trying to call people to see if they'd cover my shift at work got all frustrated 'cause I don't have people's numbers and/or phones were off and/or people were sleeping. Plus I accidently called Jeanne twice really early when I was trying to call my boss. Sorry Jeanne! I love you!!

So I went to work on pretty much an hour sleep, but fortunetely I was feeling much less gross by then. And my boss was very sweet when she called me and offered to drive an hour and take over for me, but I said no, 'cause it was an hour and I had already called Brooke who is way closer. And she saved me! Yay Brooke! You are my hero!

So Brooke came in and took over for me 'cause she's awesome and I got to go home and call the doctor who never picked up and then pass out in bed and wake up a couple hours later very confused and thinking it was the middle of the night. That only happens when I'm REAAAALLY tired.

And now I lie in bed with my saltines and water and I love the 80's 3D. And Mulan is a great movie, I watched it again this morning for like..the 5th time at work and it made me feel slightly less unhappy.

Alright, I'm kinda out of it, heh. Sorry for the randomness. Off I go. Brooke is awesome and so is Mulan. Mm, love you all, bye bye.

Know what would be fun?

Not having Journey stuck in my head.

I so need a new picture.

Friday, November 04, 2005

So I come home from work and turn on the TV to find that new Batman cartoon on and Batman and Batgirl having this conversation:

Batgirl: Just tell me someday I'll get to meet the man behind the bat.
Batman: Who says I'm a man?


Did that sound incredibly wrong to anyone else?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Weird, yet kinda cool.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My cat just woke up and now has this face like "I just had the weirdest dream...but I can't remember it...". Silly kitty.

My computer showed up at my door this morning even though when I called Gateway last night they said they didn't even have it yet....buh? But it's all fixed, seemingly, so...hey...nifty.

I'm boring today and I need a shower. Bye.

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