Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Note to JACK: No hard feelings! It's all good now! And it was Mrs. Wong's class. Everyone forgot about it by the next day anyway, so don't worry about it. P.S. I miss Mr. Weisberger's class. I wish we had gotten to do that Barbie play.

And also, I'd like you all to see my lovely boyfriend.

I <3 him. Hehe.

I have decided to reveal some deep dark secrets from my past:

When I was little I was ultrauberblonde, and when my hair started to get darker I was convinced that if I washed it enough with the right kind of shampoo, it'd turn blonde again. Because of this I switched shampoos about twelve times within three years.

In elementary school I had a crush on Jack Reilly. I told my friend who then told her friends who then told him. He called me out on it during Silent Sustained Reading so the entire class found out and made fun of me. I had to hide in the coat room. I swore that I'd never tell anyone ever again who I liked. Except I broke that this year, but it was already totally obvious. And ended well. :-) And I have no harsh feelings towards Jack at all, just so you know, he's a cool guy....

I was a perveted little kid. There was a time where I was obsessed with talking about a certain part of the male anatomy...but only because I thought the word was "peanut" and it was funny. So I would go around pointing at people going "He has a peanut!". Many were confused by this. My mother was terrified.

When I was little and lived in NY, I had a crush on eeevery boy. There was my first "boyfriend" from camp when I was about 5 or 6 who said he'd first marry this other girl in our group and then divorce her and marry me, to be fair. I thought I was getting the better end of the deal.

When I was younger my clothes would always clash horribly. I would wear striped pants and polka-dotted shirts and think it was beautiful. I also wore shiny stretch pants and would wear things with huge holes in them or that I had outgrown a long time ago because I really liked them.

I started crying after seeing The Little Mermaid. My parents thought it was because Ursula scared me. But actually it was because Ariel left her dad and that made me sad.

I had a nightlight for way longer than I should have, only because I had gotten so used to having a light on in the room when I went to sleep I never bothered trying to sleep without it.

I used to think the word "Mine" was "Mines" and it would really piss off my parent when I said it.

I was afraid to talk to boys until tenth grade.

In middle school I would wear sweatshirts everyday 'cause I was afraid of people seeing my body for some reason. I also refused to smile without closed lips for any picture because I had braces and thought they looked stupid.

I used to want a twin sister. So I made up an imaginary one named Emily Robin because it was the opposite of my name.

In our old apartment if you left my bedroom door open you had a view of the TV in the living room, so I used to watch whatever my parents were watching when I was supposed to be going to sleep. I thought I was being really sneaky, but one night I laughed really loudly at something on Murphy Brown and my mom yelled to me, "You think that's funny, huh?" and laughed. My parents knew I watched the whole time.

I used to think that the laugh track on sit coms was actually other people in other houses laughing at the show and the sound was going through the TV. I told my friend to watch The Cosby Show one night and I'd try and talk to her through the TV.

I used to think that every time you put a tape into a tape player the people who had recorded it would go to the recording studio and sing and the songs were always live and would go from the recording studio directly to my tape player.

I can't think of anything more right now...but now you know lots of dirt on blackmailing...'cause that'd just be stupid....

Monday, May 26, 2003

I'm gonna do a survey on here. Because I'm lame. And it goes with my theme of not feeling like actually writing anything worthwhile. At least it's not another quiz.

Stole it from The Kait

-- Name: Robin
-- Birthdate: 3/27
-- Birthplace: New York, NY
-- Current Location: Jersey girl.
-- Eye Color: No one really knows for sure....brownish goldenish freak girlish
-- Hair Color: This is called TypicalBrunette right?
-- Height: 5'5"..ish
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Aries

-- Your heritage: Lithuanian...or Russian..but Lithuanian's more fun to say
-- The shoes you wore today: I'm still in pajamas. No shoes. Ha.
-- Your weakness: Chocolate. Or macaroni and cheese.
-- Your fears: Being alone. Being rejected. Being abandoned.
-- Your perfect pizza: Chicken parm. Mmmmmm....
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Happiness

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: Er...I dunno..."hahahaha"?
-- Your thoughts first waking up: You're assuming that I'm thinking when I wake up.
-- Your best physical feature: I dunno...eyes?
-- Your bedtime: Don't have one. Which explains my sleep deprivedness.

-- Pepsi or Coke: Ew, soda.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Do you know what's in those burgers? Neither do I. I like to know what I'm eating. ::realizes she eats hot dogs::...nevermind....
-- Single or group dates: I've never been on a group date. That'd be fun sometime, probably.
-- Adidas or Nike: Puma?
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Mocha frappacino?

-- Smoke: Ick. Except once I had a dream I was a smoker and ever since then I've had random cigarette cravings, despite the fact that I've never smoked in my life.
-- Cuss: Fuck yeah.
-- Sing: Yes.
-- Take a shower everyday: Unless I'm planning on staying in my pajamas all day.
-- Have a crush(es): Can you have a crush on your boyfriend?
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes
-- Want to go to college: Am going to college.
-- Want to get married: Someday.
-- Believe in yourself: At times.
-- Get motion sickness: Oh please no.
-- Think you're attractive: Sometimes.
-- Think you're a health freak: Pffthahahahaha
-- Get along with your parents: At times.
-- Like thunderstorms: Indeed.
-- Play an instrument: Violin. But not a bloody one. Ew.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Nope.
-- Smoked: No.
-- Done a drug: Does sudafed count?
-- Had Sex: Nope
-- Made Out: Yes
-- Gone on a date: Yes...I think...
-- Gone to the mall?: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo: Nope
-- Eaten sushi: Er, no.
-- Been on stage: Nope.
-- Gone skating: Nope.
-- Made homemade cookies: Not since February.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Nope.
-- Dyed your hair: Nope.
-- Stolen anything: Pens?

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: I don't think so...
-- If so, was it mixed company: Like I said, I don't think so...
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope
-- Been caught "doing something": I don't think so...
-- Been called a tease: Probably
-- Gotten beaten up: No
-- Shoplifted: Nope...I'm so boring
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I have no doubt

-- Age you hope to be married: The age that I decide I want to get married.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: Wtf, I'm 18, do you really think I think about these things? Okay, wait, I did decide that if I ever have a girl I want to name her Sydney, but I only thought of that 'cause I was thinking about the Jewish thing where you name your kid after someone you loved who died and that was my Grandpa's middle name...except with an I and not a Y. And I'd never name a boy that.
-- Describe your dream wedding: I dunno...I'll figure that out when I get married.
-- How do you want to die: I don't really like to think about that. So go away.
-- Where you want to go to college: I dunno. That was my main problem with picking a school.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: An actress, I think.
-- What country would you most like to visit: The pretty ones with the pretty accents.

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color? Brown
-- Best hair color? Black...even if he says it's brown which it's not 'cause it's black
-- Short or long hair: Short, but not too short. Buzz cuts are evil.
-- Height: 5'11"ish
-- Best weight: 147
-- Best first date location: Bad George Clooney movie and dinner at Panera
-- Best first kiss location: Car.
Hmm...wonder who I could be describing here...hehehe

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: None
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
-- Number of CDs that I own: I have absolutely no idea.
-- Number of piercings: I had two in my ears, but they closed up and are now ugly red spots on my ears.
-- Number of tattoos: None.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? I dunno...a couple?
-- Number of scars on my body: I know at least one, the one on my forehead which everyone is only now noticing since there isn't hair covering it anymore.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I don't like regretting things. Maybe one or two.

Wow I feel crappy.

I cannot describe exactly how I feel, just gross, inside and out. But mostly in. Ick. Whoever gave me this cold thing: You suck.

So let's see, lots of fun stuff happening lately. Except I don't really feel like writing about it. I've barely been on the computer all week, which explains my lack of updates. And when I am on the computer I'm too lazy to actually write anything. So blah. And then I took a lot of quizzes.

We played Never Have I Ever at Mike's house and I ended up with 4 fingers left. That's the least I've ever had in all two games of Never Have I Ever that I've played. I was proud. Which is weird, but it's mostly because the last time I played Never Have I Ever I had never even had a first kiss, so it was boring and embarassing for me.

And I decided I shouldn't post any more quizzes for awhile...except this one's too good 'cause I love the quote on it:
Which Silver Screen Siren are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
"I never realized until lately that women were supposed to be inferior."

Good night.

Saturday, May 24, 2003

When was the last time I went online? I dunno. I'm sickly.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

EVEN MORE QUIZZES! Stolen from Linda and Philippe...I'll write a real entry soon, I swear.

This one's so true:
Silly Flirt

What Kind of FLIRT are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What? Then how come I can't play her in the movie?
You are Jubilee!

Though you may be young and inexperienced, you have
great potential and will someday become an
admirable figure. For that to happen, though,
you must overcome your juvenile belief system
and adopt a more mature view on life.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

...I see....
You are Trinity-
You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I did this before but I retook it 'cause it was just so wrong...sweet and innocent my ass...ask any of my friends, they'll tell you I'm a demon child. Besides, this girl's prettier anyway. And she has a sword. Wahahaha.
You are the Figher Femme

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, May 21, 2003


your asshole.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Psychic!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

You wanna kill Avril
Avril Lavigne, she's a disgrace to your kind.

What annoying Celebrity would you most likely wanna kill?
brought to you by Quizilla


what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

If only the least impressive Ivy didn't also have
to be the hardest. You know those Harvard kids
are laughing at you as they sip gin and tonics
in their finals club and pull off easy A's.
There are always the gorges though. And hopping
Ithaca. Well, yeah, you have the gorges.

Which Ivy League University is right for YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

Brown Eyes

What Color Eyes Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla


Donna R.

Which Donna are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, May 20, 2003


::freaks out::

PS. Don't bash my Buffy obsession. That's good TV watchin'. One of the best shows on TV, despite the absolutely ridiculous name and incredibly strange concept.

From English today:
Mrs. Petrallia: "Don't look at my left eye, I have a burst blood vessel so it's all red. I think I got it from lifting things that were too heavy."
Robin: "With your EYE?!?!?"

Updating's good.

To Beth: Haha, I read your blog sometimes, too. Thank you for the comment, how very thoughtful. I don't get comments 'cause my friends all suck...not really...okay, maybe a little....(j/k guys) hehe. But thanks! PS. Chicken Pox suck. Get better soon.

So on Saturday I was watching Remember the Titans with Matt. If you haven't seen it, I'm about to spoil part of it for you. Not that you probably care too much. I hope. So there's this one guy and his friend calls him Superman as a nickname. Then this guy gets in a car accident and is paralyzed from the waist down. In the hospital, the guy's friend says to him, "You can't be hurt, you're Superman."
Keep in mind Christopher does this seem kinda wrong to anyone else? And it was a Disney movie!!

But then again, in Aladdin if you listen closely there's a part where Aladdin says "Take off your clothes". And there's that part with the boner in The Little basically, Disney people are perverts. Which makes it all the more enjoyable.

I decided I hate all my classes except for biology and sociology. Speaking of biology, there were rabbits in class today. They kept humping each other. It was HILARIOUS. Actually, it was just one rabbit trying to hump the other one (except for one time when one rabbit tried to jump over the other ones head and got stuck...that was confusing) and the other one giving the rabbit version of "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache" by trying to stay in a corner where the first rabbit couldn't get to it as easily. But the big horny rabbit still got some action anyway. And it was very very funny. Although somewhat distracting during a vocab quiz.

I'm probably going to be exempt from my math final. So happy. I wish I could be exempt from English, too, but that would mean I would have had to actually do work this year...which I didn' oh well.

On Sunday I "auditioned" for a job at Cold Stone Creamery. We had to sing a song from their song book (I sang their version of "I'm a little tea pot") and then do a little dance move (don't know why). I did the sprinkler. I can't explain it, you'd have to see it. Hopefully I'll get the job, since it seems like a cool job. And free ice cream is good. Although I'll definitely have to limit myself.

Apparently it's getting around how Sam asked me if I was gaining weight, because I've had people randomly coming up to me for about a week going "Did Sam say you were gaining weight?!? WHAT?!?!". Hehe.

And come on, if you were sitting around eating your lunch and someone said "Ugh, it smells like fish!" you'd laugh, too. Okay, maybe you wouldn't. But if it was Miles you would. 'Cause Miles talks funny sometimes. And then if he said "Tasty Nougat", you'd be on the floor and you KNOW it. Philippe laughed, too. I swear.

Time for bed.

Sunday, May 18, 2003

I have decided that today is give Matt a hug day. Because he seems to need it. So give Matt a hug. If you don't do it to show him how great he is, do it to appease his paranoid girlfriend who gets way too upset over some of his sad late night blog entries.

Saturday, May 17, 2003

I was supposed to audition for some teen improv tv thing today, but yesterday on the train back from NY I got really sick to my stomach (no more Nathan's hot dogs ever least no more from the skeazy Penn Station Nathan's) and decided not to go today. Oh well. Guess I'll just hang around Jersey. Tra la la.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

I was going to update yesterday, but then my dog ate my computer.

No. Really.

Weird things are happening in the life of Robin. Like how I got 100 on my Bio test...and didn't was Kevin's response to this:

Kevin: So what'd you get?
Robin: 100
Kevin: You?!?
Robin: Yeah
Kevin: No way...
Robin: Yes way...
Kevin: Did you cheat?!
Robin: No
Kevin:......................Fuckin' A!!!


Also I talked to someone I haven't talked to in months. Feel sorta better about that situation now.

AND last night I VOLUNTARILY saw The Matrix: Reloaded. And really really liked it. And spent quite a bit of time in study arguing with Philippe over it. And then sat around Matt's kitchen for 15 minutes eating goldfish and debating it.....sucha freak...

Plus, Linda is the coolest 'cause she was totally and completely mature about this dumb thing that happened in lunch involving someone not as completely mature. So Linda is tres cool. Hooray!

I told Imhoff about how we usually sing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" at the last concert of the year (I would have told him sooner, but I only remembered about it today) and he went about making lame excuses about why he thought we couldn't sing it, which truly annoyed me. 1. Everyone knows the song, except maybe the freshman. 2. It's an extremely simple song, and very pretty. 3. It's very short. 4. It's a TRADITION. We do it every year. 5. It sort of seemed to me as though he was just being lazy about it, especially after Philippe and I explained that it was so simple and everyone already knows it and we do it every year. He'd really have to put maybe ten minutes of practice into it. Or just have the seniors do it, we've been singing it for years. Really, he'd have to do almost no work...sigh....

So if you're a senior...or a non-senior...but especially seniors in chamber choir, or even out of chamber choir, please go ask Imhoff about "The Lord Bless You and Keep You". And tell him how simple it will be and how it's a tradition. And then maybe he'll let us do it.

In other news: Who wants to have a Disney movie marathon over memorial day weekend?

I wanna go see the Matrix again...or maybe I should see the first one...whatever....

Monday, May 12, 2003

I just IMed this girl I was best friends with in middle school for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Except curiousity. I keep wanting to find these people I used to know online and see what they're up to, and it's nearly impossible. I tried finding Alicia a couple of days ago and that was a big bust. Sucks.

But yeah, maybe trying to talk to people who probably want nothing to do with me isn't such a great amuses me to some extent.

Also: AP tests make me grumpy and I'm not even the one taking them.

I gave my mom a picture frame for Mother's Day. I hate giving my mom presents because I always like to give people fun, cool things that fit their personality, or I know they'll get some use out of. Something that I'll have to put some thought into. My mom doesn't really like that stuff. She likes jewelry and clothes. Not that those things can't be cool and fun and need thought put into them, but it's not that way with my mom. It's like this:

"Robin, I like that necklace on QVC...wanna get it for me for Mother's Day? Okay, give me the money for it and I'll order it."

Anyway, I got my mom a picture frame and a little matching box for Mother's Day and she automatically put a picture of me in the frame. I find that to be a hypocracy for some reason. Like for some reason I'm getting something out of her present by it bringing more attention to me with a picture. But at the same time, I also gave my grandmother a picture frame with a picture of myself and my cousin in it. But somehow that's different, because I know she'd really want a picture of us.

Since when did Mother's Day get so complicated?

Gah, I give up, it's time for bed.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

Philippe + Robin + 4 in the morning 'cause neither of us can sleep = HILARITY

DaThrillPh (3:57:31 AM): Demi Moore is hotter than all 3 Charlie's Angels combined
TypicalBrunette (3:57:49 AM): except that she sexually harasses butlers
DaThrillPh (3:57:57 AM): dude that's such bull
DaThrillPh (3:58:05 AM): I would be soooooooo happy if she sexually harassed me
TypicalBrunette (3:58:08 AM): and the fact that she was married to bruce willis decredits her for EVERYTHING
TypicalBrunette (3:58:11 AM): hahaha

DaThrillPh (3:58:49 AM): oh come on man, if Demi Moore decided she wanted a piece of my throttle, then I say she can rev it up
TypicalBrunette (3:59:06 AM): holy jesus
DaThrillPh (3:59:09 AM): like wtf is wrong with that butler?
TypicalBrunette (3:59:12 AM): where the fuck did that come from?!
DaThrillPh (3:59:15 AM): is he fucking gay or what?
TypicalBrunette (3:59:25 AM): THROTTLE?!?!?!?
TypicalBrunette (3:59:27 AM): LMFAO
TypicalBrunette (3:59:35 AM): REV UP?!?!?!
TypicalBrunette (3:59:41 AM): ::falls on floor laughing::
DaThrillPh (3:59:42 AM): Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
TypicalBrunette (4:00:04 AM): ::cough::...erm...yes...sorry...::cough::
DaThrillPh (4:00:04 AM): hahahha sounds like another blog update is necessary

So yesterday we all went to Mt Fuji for Philippe's birthday. Afterward, Miles, Mari and Philippe went to Jacob's party while Mike, Linda, Matt, and I stayed at Mike's. We were all sitting around watching the news so we could see the thing about Rocky Horror being cancelled (which I have my own opinions on, and maybe I'll say something, but I really don't know enough about it to say too much without being afraid I misinterpretted things) and this story about this club in West Orange came on. It was talking about how the guys in charge were having sex with minors there or something (the funny part is this is where Matt had his Bar Mitzvah...hahaha) and we realize that the reporter narrating the story has a really funny voice. Like a kinda lispy Christopher Llowel sounding voice. So we all laughed at that. Everyone got a little distracted and was talking for a little bit and I was still sort of watching, when I see this guy in a wheel chair wheeling towards the camera and talking and realize this is the reporter talking in the lispy voice and for some reason I find it HYSTERICAL. I'm a bad person, I know. But I was only really laughing 'cause he had a funny voice and then he HAPPENED to be in a wheelchair and it was so random that I laughed....a lot....for a long time. I'm evil. Shut up. So Mike thought this was really funny and when Miles, Mari, and Philippe come back he tells them I was laughing at a guy in a wheelchair with a speech impediment and that I'm a horrible person. While trying to defend myself I said:

"I wasn't laughing at him because he's in a wheelchair! I was laughing at him because he has a speech impediment AND he's in a wheelchair!"

This ended up on Mike's blog and this all leads me to the point that sometimes, Philippe and I have funny conversations....this one being on the above topic...

DaThrillPh (2:19:25 AM): oh lordy jesus I can't fall asleep
TypicalBrunette (2:19:34 AM): hahahaha you said lordy jesus
TypicalBrunette (2:19:36 AM): and that sucks
TypicalBrunette (2:19:40 AM): and i sent you a picture
DaThrillPh (2:19:52 AM): oh yeah? alright I'll check it
TypicalBrunette (2:20:00 AM): k
TypicalBrunette (2:20:30 AM): i got quote of the day on mike's blog, i'm so proud, haha
DaThrillPh (2:20:57 AM): lol I'm annoyed I missed that
TypicalBrunette (2:21:08 AM): hehe
TypicalBrunette (2:21:15 AM): well you didn't miss the line
TypicalBrunette (2:21:23 AM): i was trying to justify myself and it came out wrong
TypicalBrunette (2:21:30 AM): because really, there's no way to justify that
TypicalBrunette (2:21:31 AM): i'm just evil
DaThrillPh (2:21:40 AM): hahaha
DaThrillPh (2:21:43 AM): I knooooow

Later in the conversation:

TypicalBrunette (3:25:32 AM): AHHAHAHA
TypicalBrunette (3:25:34 AM): sorry
TypicalBrunette (3:25:36 AM): that was mean
TypicalBrunette (3:25:40 AM): i think i have tourettes
DaThrillPh (3:25:43 AM): hahah
DaThrillPh (3:25:51 AM): tell that to the guy in the wheelchair

There was another part of this conversation on something TOTALLY different, except I can't post it 'cause it happens to be about someone...and I had this whole REALLY funny intro to this, but it got a little too obvious and I took it out 'cause I didn't want someone to get mad at me. But if you want to know, ask me and I'll send it to you. 'Cause it's really funny.

TypicalBrunette (3:28:12 AM): omg i get WAY too upset over it, it's so funny
DaThrillPh (3:28:30 AM): hahah stop controlling the little freshmen
DaThrillPh (3:28:33 AM): they'll find their
DaThrillPh (3:28:35 AM): way soon enough
TypicalBrunette (3:28:38 AM): but it's so fun! they're like my little toys!
TypicalBrunette (3:28:40 AM): AHAHAHAHAHAHAH basically...I'm satan...or something along those lines....

A change of pace...

Sometimes I get this urge to be a columnist. Except that my blog would be the column. But it's well written and interesting and humorous and people like to read it and it has a nice sized audience.

Except that half the time I don't know what to say, and I'm too lazy to write anything truly insightful or interesting or funny or anything most of the time. And I don't think I have a nice sized audience (I have no idea, actually, 'cause NO ONE TELLS ME WHEN THEY READ MY BLOG EVEN THOUGH THEY SHOULD ::coughcough::), probably just a small audience of people who read my blog when they are bored and are going through all the links on the side of Miles' or Matt's blogs.

So that will probably never happen. How sad. I could put some kind of once a week column type thing in and give it a fancy name and actually write something interesting. And then maybe people would look forward to reading it, like how everyone used to look forward to finding out Andrew Tuttle's blog ratings...except probably not 'cause I don't think I'm as popular as Andrew Tuttle.

There was a time in my life I was popular. In third and fourth grade. Really, I was. Except then we went to middle school and I was hit by the mother of all awkward stages and got braces and was all gross and not always into the hygeine thing and was even skinnier than I am now and wore really disgusting things to school. It wasn't pretty. So pretty much everyone avoided me.

But as I was saying...I like writing. It might be nice if others could enjoy my writing, too. That is, if I could make it enjoyable. That's not me being like "Oh look at me, I'm a fantastic writer, love me, love me, love me," in a snooty British accent. So maybe I'll start writing better stuff. Although my next entry will probably be something like "Oh fuck, I forgot to tape Buffy" or something equally stupid and pointless.

But in other news: They're closing Gadzooks. I just might cry.

See what I said about stupid and pointless?

Thursday, May 08, 2003

HBO TV shows are weird. My parents like to watch "Six Feet Under" and every week the episode starts with someone dying. I just can't bring myself to watch it 'cause every time I think, "Okay, which one of these guys is about to die? From what? Oh no! Don't do that! What are you stupid!??!". It's like a horror movie when you scream at the person not to go into the big creepy castle with weird symbols all over it.

I went home sick today, but was fine by the time school had ended. My grandmother came over to lend me a purse for prom. Very early, but whatever, she wanted to, and it's soooo pretty. Speaking of prom, I owe limo money...must remember this...

After that I decided I wanted to go outside and take pictures of random stuff. Like how the raindrops on the bush in front of my house looked kinda like crystals. As I was going out, I saw Matt parking in front of my house! Yay! That was a surprise, but cheered me up a lot since I haven't seen him much this week due to stupid AP tests. So we ended up taking lots of silly pictures, many of my cat, and many of us trying to get my cat to do funny things and her blatantly ignoring us. Maybe I'll post some of them. Or maybe I won't. Depends on my mood.

My old boss called and offered me my job back. I don't think I'm going to take it. It would be weekends, and that was fine for back when I didn't have a life, but now I do and that was really the whole reason I quit in the first place, to have a life. So...yeah...and I shouldn't complain about money anymore....

This post is kinda blah...

I want to sell ice cream while singing!

Except that I told my dad about it and he threatened to come and give me tips so that I'd HAVE to sing for him...fear fear fear.

But I probably won't even try and get a job there. So whatever.

I'm sleepy, good night.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

So today I decided that I'm going to have to start boycotting pizza for lunch every day. It's not that I don't love Roman Gourmet, I's just that pizza everyday is kinda icky. I'm getting pretty sick of it. Not to mention it's making me squishier in some places I'd prefer not to be so squishy. And I kinda have no money as of this moment. And I owe Matt a dollar because he said "That test was wack" to Mrs. Petrallia. And I'm already in debt over limo things...

Speaking of which, we got a limo yesterday! Hooray. There was way too much drama over it last night, it was highly ridiculous. Basically 7 or 8 people in a chat room all going "I want a big limo!" "It's too expensive!" "I don't want one, why'd you vote without me?" and other such things and me and other people at various times going "It's just a car...for fuck's sake, no need for such a fit." and similar things. So now my limo is me and Matt, Miles and Mari, Mike and Gina, and Philippe and Megan. That makes me happy 'cause I like all those people. And I didn't even really know the other people who were going to be in the big limo, except like Dan and Madeline. Whatever, our limo is cool.

And yeah, Ewelina reads my blog? Ewelina are you reading this? Hi! Ewelina said "Fuck! Christian club!" today in gym and I thought it was hysterically funny except that you'd really have to be there...
Who else reads this thing? I have no idea! Please tell me! That's what the comments thing on the bottom of the post is for...or you could just IM me...

So in math yesterday we walked in and immedeatly (how the FUCK do you spell that word?!) all started screaming and laughing and making jokes about Klemer. Which is mean, 'cause he isn't a horrible guy, but it was just too funny. So then the sub walks in and we were like, "So you know what happened to our teacher?" and she says, very unconvincingly, "Um....I think he's...sick..." and we all started laughing hysterically again. Then some kid drew a stick figure on the board and in a jail cell and wrote under it "FREE KLEMER". We all laughed at that and the sub told him to erase it even though she was secretely laughing and trying to hide it behind a piece of paper.

Best line of the entire class was when I heard Kyle Petersen say: "So do you think he'll be somebody's bitch or do you think he'll have his own bitch?"

But seriously, it's just so weird that Klemer was into that stuff. Not totally surprising, just weird. I remember seeing him around when I was in middle school and he was my study teacher last year and he was actually an okay teacher and everything. It's just weird.

And English is still boring.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

This would be my math teacher

I always knew there had to be some other reason that Klemer was giving me A's.

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Yay weekend! Oh the excitement....

I'm so bad at thinking up opening things.

Ran away from school as quickly as possible after school. Hung out with Matt for awhile and at one point got into an argument with his brother about full sentences.

Matt's brother: At least I'm using full sentences.
Robin: Shut up.
Matt's brother: I am now, too.
Robin: Shut up.
Matt's brother: And now.
Robin: "And now." is not a full sentence.
Matt's brother:....there was a semicolon.
Robin: Shut up.

Then there was lots of hanging around celebrating the fact that it was Friday and we were free from the monotony of school for two days.
Then for some reason we randomly went to Cafe Arugila or however it's spelled with Matt's parents. At one point we started talking about prom:

Matt's mom: (to Matt) So just for the sake of argument, let's pretend you're gay...
Robin: We're pretending now?
Matt's dad cracks up.
Matt murders Robin...but not really, he just gave me a really evil look.

But actually she was just asking if gay couples are allowed to go to the prom together, not wondering if Matt was gay and I was just his cover.

Then it was time for X-Men 2 with Philippe and Mike! Yay!

I have secret obsessions with Spiderman and X-Men.

So the movie was good, much better than the first X-Men...

Rogue: Is cool, but mostly because I think Anna Paquin is cool 'cause "Fly Away Home" was like my favoritist movie when I was 11.
Bobby: Also cool. And not annoying like some of the X-Men ::coughCyclopscough:: And he was played by the guy from Animorphs which gets him extra points.
Wolverine: Eh, this guy gets too much attention. And his hair is stupid. But he's still kinda cool and gets some good lines and keeps some of the other characters from being annoyingly angsty.
Jean: I swear half her lines in the movie were "Scott..something's not right" and the other half were "Scott...something's wrong". But the firey eye thing was kinda interesting.
Storm: Actually has some kind of stuff going on besides "Oh no my boyfriend was kidnapped I'll go kiss this other guy ow my telepathy grr".
Nightcrawler: I liked him, even if he really creeped me out in the first scene.
Mystique: Ahahaha she had THE BEST fight scenes. And gave the finger. And was just so much better than the last movie.
Magneto: I like him even though he's a mass murdering psycho. See, Ian McKellen can never NOT be likeable.
Lady Deathstrike: I TOLD you she wouldn't have lines.
Pyro: He was okay. Bit mixed up in the head, but okay.
Colussus:!! So cool...even though he was only in the movie for like two seconds...but still really awesome.

Also: Bobby's brother is a little punk in need of a beating.

But now I must dry my hair. Mari's party is tonight, yay!

Thursday, May 01, 2003

I'm so so tired. And I never feel like updating 'cause I never feel like the stuff I write is amusing in any way what so ever.

So that kinda sucks. But anyway...

Today was our chorus trip to Kean college that I didn't even really know about until yesterday. This is how my day at Kean went:

We got to Kean and went inside to watch some other choirs perform.
I fell asleep for the first three of these choirs. See, I went to sleep at about midnight last night, pretty early for me. Except for some reason I was even more tired than usual when I woke up. So we went and sat down in the surprisingly comfortable seats and I just slumped down in my chair and was out cold. I would wake up for the beginning and ends of songs, just in time to clap or see if what they were singing was worth staying awake for, and then I was fast asleep again.

I did stay awake to watch another choir sing "Mon Cour" or however it's spelled. They didn't really do a very good job. It was eh. And then there was this choir from Rutgers Prep that everyone made a big deal about and they weren't all that fantastic, either.

Then there was lunch where...we ate lunch. Yay lunch. ::throws streamers::

After lunch it guessed it..more choirs!! Except this time I stayed awake. There was one girls chorus who sang some weird ass songs. One was talking about dancing on someone's grave. Interesting.

My favorite, though, was the Christian school chorale. First, all the girls were wearing these hideous black dresses that were down to their ankles and the sleeves covered their entire arm. I think they were purposely made to not fit any of the girls because there was NOT ONE SINGLE GIRL who looked decent in them. They all seemed to puff out at some weird angle on some girls or not puff out at all on other girls where they should have.

Also, it was quite obvious about what kind of people some of these girls were. All the girls wore the ugly black dresses and maybe some fake pearls or something and nothing more accesory wise, except for one girl with a bright red flower in her hair and some black thing around her neck that reminded me of that story about the girl who's head was tied on with a ribbon. Anyway, we decided that she was the school slut. There was a girl on the end of the front row with frizzy blonde hair who you could tell was the goth/punk/atheist of the school because she just stood there half glaring at the director, half looking like she wanted to die. She barely sang any of the words. I decided it was because she hated christian school and secretely wanted to dye her hair blue and get a nose ring but couldn't because of her religious parents and their crazy morals. There was also an overweight girl who had put on some weird shade of lipstick that made it look like her lips were bleeding. I didn't decide anything about her social status, just that she was kinda weird in the make up sense.

But the best was the director. He was like the male version of the obnoxious teacher from Donnie Darko. I can't remember her name, but the one who wears the shirt that says, "God is awesome!". This guy came on stage wearing a tux with tales. He made them sing these freaky songs. The first one started with them yelling "Silence!" and I thought it was a really scary warm up or they were telling us to shut up. But it was part of the song. It was so strange. I couldn't concentrate on anything else in the song 'cause it was weird and kinda ugly sounding. But that's besides the point. This guy had every song they sing be about Jesus. They sang this Bach song about Jesus being born and the guy said something like "This is Bach celebrating this historic event....::awkward pause:: of the birth of Jesus" or something weird like that. So I decided that this guy was actually a Jesus freak (haha, I almost wrote Uncle Jesse...weird) who went to Christian rock concerts on the weekends and held his arms up in the air with his eyes closed and tears running down his face screaming "Puh-RAISE JAY-zus!"

They were interesting.

We finally sang at around 2:30 and clearly kicked everyone we had heards asses. The woman judge who I thought looked like Ms. Mastellone from behind came up and just changed the way we sang the Bach that we got the week before vacation and told us we were singing one note wrong. Then we sight read some song about a crazy woman who puts kettles on her head. Interesting.

We left and I went shopping and got a pretty dress for Mari's party and shoes for her party and shoes for prom and I am in love with both pairs of shoes.

I haven't seen Matt all day. That does not make for a happy Robin.

Also, sleepiness does not make for a happy Robin either.

Time to go, this entry's WAAAAYYY too long already without unnecessary rambling. Bye bye.

P.S. FNL was cool, but I saw way more of Miles than I ever really wanted to. Oh, and they should have picked me to marry the German guys 'cause I had a great line for "How was dinner with the parents?". Oh well, their loss. I didn't actually raise my hand anyway.

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