Tuesday, December 31, 2002

The older I get, the less angsty I become. This is probably because most of my "angst" (am I REALLY that angsty?) is directed towards my parents, and the older I get the more I think "Oh fuck it, who cares, I'm gonna be out of here in less than a year anyway."

Anyway, that was just something I was thinking.

I wrote this really long entry last night but it got deleted because BLOGGER IS ASS.

If you want to know about things that happened yesterday, read Matt's Blog because everything he wrote is much more interesting and funnier than what I wrote. Of course, he does have that robot to help him....

Today I was woken up at 10 by my mother screaming "ROBIN!!! COME HERE! I NEED HELP!!!"

so of course I thought that some kind of man eating animal had jumped through a window and attacked her because my mother can really scream when she wants to. I bolted out of bed to find that my eyes were not ready to be awake and wouldn't open except for a very very tiny bit. I ran halfway down the stairs screaming, "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT'S THE MATTER?!" except since my vocal chords were still asleep, too, it sounded like "Mmhmmuhhh?! Mhuhuhmuh! Mmmuhmuhm!!!"

"There's a hole in the pump to the washing machine and there's water all over the basement floor!! I need my sneakers! Get me my sneakers!"

To which I responded, "Mmmuhhhhh!!!" and stumbled back up the stairs and threw my mother's sneakers downstairs in a fit of rage. You'd be rageful, too, if someone woke you up so you could get their sneakers. By this time, my voice was working and I screamed "Shit mom! I thought you were dying!! You scared the shit out of me!!!!" She yelled something at me which included, "Can you get up now?" and my response was "NO! I'M NOT EVEN AWAKE NOW!!" which was true as you can tell by how little sense that statement made. And then I went back to sleep for another hour and a half.

Also, I made brownies.


Yes, I am showing off my HTML skills. Ha.

Monday, December 30, 2002

Here is something I wrote for English last year. It's in a strange style 'cause it was for this thing called Tales in the Hall which is something the Journalism class does and supposedly puts in the paper, but we didn't last year. Anyway. The ending sucks. Hope you like it.

The entire 5th period math class has fallen into a trance. After one bomb scare and three other periods the students seem to have forgotten how to count let alone do complicated logarithms and quadratic equations.

Despite the dozing students, Ms. Mastellone keeps teaching, jumping from blackboard to blackboard and thought to thought as though she would be happy to continue multiplying logarithms for the rest of her life. Finally, after an extremely long equation, she turns to the class and sees the dazed students.

"Alright," she says with a sigh, "I told you not to do last nights assignment since we didn’t finish the lesson due to yesterday’s bomb scare. I’m not sure everyone heard me, so if you did it anyway, take it out and I’ll give you extra credit."

The class is suddenly alive with the sounds of shuffling papers and happy students. As the teacher walks around the room the class begins to settle down again, until one voice cuts through the quieting buzz.

"Why should they get extra credit? It’s not fair!" the class turns to the back of the room in shock. With this single statement, the math class is transformed into a debate team. Should Ms. Mastellone give extra credit to the students who did and unnecessary assignment?

"You told us not to do the assignment, but they did it anyway. Why should they get extra credit for not following directions?" the girl persists. There is suddenly a glint in Ms. Mastellone’s eyes and you can see the beginnings of a mischievous smile. This is an opportunity for a real debate and the look on Ms. Mastellone’s face only proves my theory that most math teachers would be far happier teaching social studies, law, or anything other than mathematics.

"Well, what do the rest of you think?" Ms. Mastellone asks and three hands shoot into the air at once.

"You’re just saying that because you didn’t do it. Why do you have to ruin it for everyone?" counters a boy in the front. He has turned in his seat to look the girl in the face while making his accusation.

This is stupid, I scribble on my notebook, only to keep from screaming at the trouble-making girl.

"She’s not taking any credit away from you," mumbles the boy in front of me, "Just mind your own business."

I begin to doodle flowers around my earlier statement.

"It’s only one point!" yells an exasperated girl towards the middle of the room. Her hands fly into the air and her eyes roll so violently it’s incredible she didn’t pull something.

I add stems to the flowers.

Another boy on the opposite side of the room calmly clears his throat and begins to speak, "Let me just ask you," he has managed to gain the attention of the whole class, "If you had done the assignment, would you still think it was unfair?"

"Well," the girl hesitates before answering, "I probably wouldn’t."

The class is again in an uproar. I write I hate math in bold letter under my flower drawing.

"Okay, okay," calls Ms. Mastellone, "Everyone calm down." She addresses the girl, "You’re very brave to be so honest and go against the class. Have you ever considered being a lawyer?"

The class laughs and the girl shrinks in her chair.

"I think we’ll take a vote," Ms. Mastellone continues, "All for extra credit?"

22 hands rise into the air.

"All against?"

1 lone hand rises defiantly.

"I guess that settles it. Extra credit wins. Please take out your assignments so I can check them.

"But you just said….!" the girl starts to speak again and the class turns in their chairs to stare murderously at her.

"Do you know what happens when a lawyer keeps arguing after a judge has already ruled?" Ms. Mastellone asks with laughter in her voice. The girl shakes her head. "The lawyer is held in contempt and fined."

The class laughs.

Sunday, December 29, 2002

I hope you all know that Shania Twain is the devil.

Just informing you.

Today I went to Garden State Plaza to look for a new winter coat since mine sucks, but had no luck finding one that wasn't really ugly. Also, the mall was insane.

Then it was off to my grandparents house where we had really good Italian food and watched my grandfather try to take about ten thousand pills. Ick. While we were there we saw this old movie called The Heiress about this woman who no one likes and who gets stomped all over by everyone. Also ick.

Alright, I admit I have nothing of any real interest to say. I'm really just updating to tell you that Shania Twain is the devil and that's all.

Good night.

Saturday, December 28, 2002

Blog. Being. Stupid. AGAIN.


Why do I NEVER feel like posting anymore?

Let's see, what's been happening....

Yesterday was my last day of work. I am now unemployed. I told this one guy at work who most of the concessions stand likes to torture and get in pretend fights with that I was leaving and he said, "About damn time." but then told Anna that she was second best and I was first best and once I left she'd be first best. So maybe he didn't hate me after all.

Whatever, he's a weird guy.

Of course, the last show I worked was insane. I did espresso and made this little girl a hot chocolate which she then proceeded to spill all over the fucking place. On a nice painted table (although it was the one painted table that I really didn't like), on the wall, on the floor. Her dad tried to clean it up with napkins but that wasn't working at all, so I told them I'd clean it up. Then as I was trying to wipe off the floor the little girl goes, "You missed some spots over here," to which her father quickly thanked me and pulled her away for sounding bratty. I don't really think she was a brat, just really clumsy and hadn't learned that saying things like that was considered rude and not helpful at all.

My boss told me that they would miss me and that I'd have to come back some day and to call her once my life is not so insane. Umm.....oookay. But it's nice that I could still get a job if I wanted it. I'll probably go back sometime, if only for a little while, so I can get some extra money.

After work I went to see Drumline with Matt. I wanted to see it because I am a band dork who is not even in band which is EXTREMELY sad. But if I had quit my job earlier I would have joined colorguard. I TOLD you. Big nerd (no offense Diane, yay guard!). But Drumline was good.

And now I have to go buy a coat with my mother and then go visit my grandparents which should be highly depressing, but we'll see.

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

I am being ordered to update my blog. I like that it's finally sort of fixed, except that now I have no excuse for not updating.


Yesterday my boss gave me some fancy peppermint hot chocolate as a Christmas/Hannukah/Fuck-You-You're-Quitting-but-I-still-have-to-get-you-a-gift present. I was thinking that maybe I should give her a gift, except there are some problems:

1. I don't think employees should have to give their bosses gifts.
2. She's a bitch.
3. She's a bitch.
4. She's a really dumb bitch.

So no present for her. Some guys at work got her a whole set of James Bond movies. And I just wrote "James Bong" by accident. Hehe.

No, I am not drunk.

Anyway, Molly and her family came over for dinner last night, followed by Matt coming over because he was at some boring dinner party type thing. We tried the hot chocolate and I am the only one who actually liked it at all and now I want to go make some more. Except I'm not because I have this weird thing where I want to save it, which makes no sense, 'cause it's all gonna get used up eventually.

WHY did I just write an entire paragraph about hot chocolate?

Today I saw Catch Me If You Can with my parents followed by JPLee's for lunch/dinner/some sort of meal. I've already written about the Jewish tradition of movies and chinese food on Christmas. One year I broke tradition and went to my friends house for Christmas. It was insane, her aunts got in a big fight and there was yelling and crying and alllll this drama. Personally, I prefer the movies and the Chinese food.

Oh man this entry sucks. I feel so weird because I fell asleep for a few hours before and now I'm very out of it. I think I should stop writing now.

But look I posted now no one can yell at me so ha.

Yes!!! It works! It works!

Of course I had to change the link to typicalbrunette2002 which completely sucks as opposed to typicalbrunette, but whatever, it works!!!

Merry Christmas all you non-Jews. Wait, that's wrong, I possibly just wished Buddhist people a Merry Christmas. Eh, whatever.

I would write something really long and cool (and be the only one NOT just copying and pasting Miles's blog about our Back to the Future marathon), but it's Christmas which means I'm going to the movies with my family as is the tradition of Jewish Christmas. So now I must go shower and get dressed and stuff, although I'd really love it if I could go to the movies in my pajamas. Oh well.

But yay for a working blog.

Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday Dan Lange even though you can't remember my birthday AT ALL EVER and you owe me money and you say "whatwhat" way too much (meaning you said it once). "What" is one word. Why won't anyone believe me?

But I said Happy Birthday to you so now you have to get me a present. HA.

And thank you to Matt for defending my honor against being called a slut numerous times. I'm friends with such as assholes. Ah well, at least they're funny.

Time to go.

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

"i need viagra for kids who dont care, haa" - Mari's blog

Hahaha, I love that.

Don't you hate it when there's only one person you want to talk to, and they're not online and every time you hear someone come online you start frantically looking at the buddy list and it's not them and you just get really pissed off????

Yeah....that's what it's like right now.

Monday, December 23, 2002

I am going to cry because my blog is FUCKING BROKEN!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2002

I would have updated yesterday but I didn't get home till past midnight, so anything I tried to type came out like "Adn het ubnny nar aywa." But I'm awake now, so here we go:

School yesterday was a COMPLETE waste of time. Mr. May didn't show up first period (I WISH he would tell us when he's gonna do that so I can sleep in). Chorus was fun because apparently Imhoff can play electric guitar (and well) and played Christmas-y type music. Then Mike got up and played and sang The Hannukah Song for all us Jewish kids (note: if you want to shock Imhoff, sing a song with "funky bad ass" and "marijuanica" in it), followed by various impressions of teachers and graduates and Ben Jacoby who looked like he was about to cry any minute when he found out that Mike had an impression of him. Poor Ben.

Study: Boring. Ms. Y'ikona pisses me off. She makes you wait ten minutes after the bell rang before letting you go to the bathroom or get a drink of water because she's insane. And she won't let more than one person go to the bathroom at a time. When I asked her she was like "I just let that girl go!" and looked at me like I was insane for daring to ask or for not noticing every single person who walks in and out of the room. Grr.

Bio: Played Bio hang man and wrote on the board a lot. And Stephane got into NYU! Yay Stephane!

Lunch: We fit the usual (and very illegal) 6 people into Philippe's car. I'm used to being squished by now, but this time it was pouring rain and we were all soaked. And then Philippe parked in the handicap spot since there was no parking anywhere and they had shortened the day by ten minutes as a surprise, so we had less time than usual. Honestly, the shortening of the day was more of a nuisance than a present, lunch got shortened and the schedule got all screwed up and no one was doing anything anyway so the ten minutes didn't make much of a difference. But whatever. We ate and were going to leave and here is the part that Philippe left out of his blog but he's not getting away with it because I'm about to tell all:

PHILIPPE TRIED TO KILL ME!!! I was getting in the car to drive back to school and I had one leg in, but couldn't get the rest of me in because everyone else hadn't squished together enough. So I was telling them to move in some, and suddenly the car starts moving and taking my leg with it! We all started screaming and finally Philippe stops the car and looks back shocked and I start screaming "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU SON OF A BITCH I WASN'T IN THE CAR YET!!!" (okay, I feel bad about screaming at him, but COME ON!! You would have done the same if someone tried to drive away with your leg). Philippe starts apologizing profusely (and yes I forgive you, Philippe, calm down, I'm writing about this 'cause it's funny) and I finally get in the car and we all make fun of him for not only breaking a million driving laws but for also attempting murder.

Psych: Stupid. She wasn't there again. I hope she's okay, but I didn't mind not having any actual psych classes this week.

Gym: Played doubles ping pong with Megan and Ewelina and Gabbie since both Rebecca and Matt were at the Calculus party. We played for about five minutes before Megan and I decided we didn't want to play ping pong at all and Eweling and Gabbie wanted to play each other anyway. Sat around and talked to Megan about thrift stores and how I wish I wasn't so lazy in the morning otherwise I'd wear something other than boring clothes. I do have a fashion sense, I swear, it's just not awake at 7 in the morning when I have to get ready for school.

Math: Did some stupid problem about adding a whole bunch of numbers or something. Then the teacher who's name I can't remember who teaches Calc came in on a sled dressed as Santa. That was the most amusing thing of the whole day.

School ended (YES!) and it was officially vacation. I drove home and then was picked up by Matt and his brother, we dropped off Matt's brother and drove off to Essex Green to see Lord of the Rings at 4. Except when we tried to buy tickets we were informed that there was no 4 o'clock show. Oops. So we bought tickets for 6:45 and went to kill time. Drove around, went back to Matt's where we were told to save seats for his family (they also went to the 6:45 show) and then drove around some more ('cause there's just so much to do around here when you're trying to kill time) and went back to Essex Green for the movie. The movie was really good, despite being three hours long and making my knees hurt like crazy (movie theaters weren't built for people with long legs and knee problems). Gollum was really great (AND DOES NOT LOOK LIKE ME PHILIPPE SO SHUT UP) and so was everyone else, except that Elijah Wood who I kept wanting to call Noah Wyle for some reason pissed me off. All he did was "Ah I'm gonna faint! Ah I'm gonna be evil!". Blah. The Ent's were cool as hell.

After the movie we saw Stephane and Suzanne and Claire and went to Panera and then we were left with nothing to do again but drive around looking for tacky Christmas decorations.

It was all a lot of fun though. And now I'm on vacation!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!

Friday, December 20, 2002

So this morning I had a dream that my alarm clock broke. That's great, except that I actually believed my alarm clock broke. So I went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until fifteen minutes before I had to leave to take my dad to the train. AHHH!

But that worked out okay. And then there was the school concert. It turned out that my mom had washed my orchestra (or dorkestra, whichever you prefer) outfit for me, so that was good. Although it turned out to be pointless as I had to keep my choir robe on for the ENTIRE CONCERT. Have you ever played the violin while wearing a robe that looks like it came out of Harry Potter?! And we still sucked. Stupid Winter Wonderland. Stupid orchestra.

Chorus was okay, though. During the second assembly Ms. Lobo and Ms. Wastie sang with us, which was weird, especially since I didn't realize Ms. Wastie was gonna sing and she came up right behind me and startled me. And then she screwed up the words and possibly cursed, but that could have just been in my head. Whatever, it was funny.

The Gospel Choir kicked our ass and I don't care what you say. They were awesome...okay, not as good as last year, but they still kicked our ass. And then those people sang that Christmas song and it was very cool. However, I do not agree with the decision that people should not stand during Lift Every Voice and I thought Mrs. Pollack was stupid for making people sit down. If I were her I would have asked people to stand. But I'm not her, so oh well. And some girl from 3LW sang? Eh, whatever. She was pretty good, though. Like I said, everyone kicked our asses.

Then there was study = stupid.
Bio = Not stupid, but had to draw a complicated diagram again.
Lunch = Fun fun fun...even though we fit 7 people in Philippe's car and it was scary.
Psych = Stelmasik was absent AGAIN and we did another stupid article.
Gym = Matt almost killed me with a ping pong ball to the face. Thanks Matt.
English = We got candy canes and got to watch part of A Christmas Carol. :-D

After school Matt and I went to the live poetry reading club (although I'm not so good with poetry, but I was there to give Diane moral support and see the funny poem about cheese), went to the diner and got hot chocolate and the waitress demanded that we give her our ketchup...oookay. Drove around, saw Philippe's car and followed him to Miles's house. Had a big confrontation with him which was kind of scary and then Mike jumped out of Philippe's car and threw himself onto Matt's car. Silly Mike. Then we started stalking Philippe and he didn't notice for a really long time and we ended up going and hanging out at his house for a little while. That was fun. Then it was time to go home.

So ends the most boring blog entry ever. Yipee!

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Hmm....where is everyone?

::checks IMDB to see how long Lord of the Rings is:::

Soooo bored.


I have a cat in my lap who doesn't understand why I'm typing and not petting her. But I'll keep typing until she starts biting me, at which point she will be thrown off my lap for being evil.

I almost fell asleep in ALL my classes today. In chorus I was like "Oooooh, we're performing tomorrow? Eh, whatever, I don't want to sing" and then stared into space for the rest of the period.


Oh wait, I'm wearing a choir robe....eh, whatever. And I will have you all know that I just spelled "wearing" as "wairing". Mi ingles es muy mal. Mi espanol es muy mal. Se habla pig latin?

Do you see what I get like when I'm bored?

I brought in my baby pictures today. I was told various things ranging from "You looked like a boy." to "That looks nothing like you." to "That is one big ass Snoopy doll." A Snoopy doll was featured in many pictures as they were mostly taken in my room and Snoopy was so big that he was the main focal point of the room.

In study today I was busy staring into space again when the kid who sits in front of me turns around and hands me some coupons to Bob's. Hmmm. That was nice of him. I think he works there. Except I never go to Bob's, so I gave them to Rebecca who says she likes Bob's. Let's see how many times I can say Bob's....or not.

In psych my teacher was absent and we got a stupid worksheet to do that I finished in about twenty minutes. Then I started coping a poster of Snoopy hugging Charlie Brown that is on the opposite wall from where I sit. I only drew Snoopy and not Charlie Brown 'cause I was lazy and bad at drawing people. Then I went to math and wrote Matt a note on the same paper about how my math teacher looks like a giant prune who can't multiply. Not that prunes can usually multiply or anything.

And now I'm kinda tired and feel like going to sleep, but I'm not because I'm bored and lonely and would like to talk to people before I go to sleep. If they ever come back. :::sigh:::

I just went to a random blog AND IT STARTED CHANGING COLOR!!! GASP!!!

Right. Back to boredom. Oh! Someone came online!...Oh wait, they're annoying, nevermind.

I filled out applications for Ohio and Ithaca today. Except Ithaca's isn't done because Ithaca is a fucker who wants me to write a different essay than I already wrote and that pisses me off. Oh yes, and my aunt was mad a full professor at IU today. Woohoo.

In Bio today Mrs. Hershey talked about...something complicated that I can't remember the name of. Photophosphoryl...something. I don't know. But I remember there being a really big complicated diagram that I managed to fit into one tiny corner of my paper.

Alright, it's time to stop writing as now I'm talking about really stupid things that no one cares about. I'll just go back to being bored and lonely.

Holy shit, I really am angsty....

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

And NOW I am in a silent fight with my mother.

WHY did I decide to be good student and stay home tonight?!?!

I have updated since this. Blogger is being a bitch and not showing my updates, but they are in the archives if you want to read them. Which you should. Because there's no point in writing them if you don't. K, bye.

Do you know what I'm doing right now? Extreme amounts of homework and college applications.

Do you know what everyone else is doing right now? Seeing Lord of the Rings and going to parties and having fun.

I could cry.

Except I don't have time because I have to do STUPID work!!


P.S. Yay for Diane getting into the cast! Do whatever you think will be most fun, Diane, although if you quit pit, I'll miss you and have no one to make silly noises on my violin with, but I'm happy you got in the cast! Yipee!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Do you ever have parts of your day that are so stupid and boring that you don't even remember them? Is that normal? I sat around for most of orchestra and then just now it took me a minute to remember if I went to orchestra at all....hmm....

I also seem to have misplaced my music for the pit. That's not good.


I'm anxious about various things, but I don't feel like talking about it. I wish it were vacation and I wish I didn't have anything to really worry about.

My dad just told me that the chemo my grandfather's been getting hasn't done anything, so they're switching medications or something. Also something I'm not so sure I want to talk about right now.

I cut my bangs too short, but at least I can see now.

I'm so tired.

I was walking around with Matt after school today and we were walking down the B wing and there were all these chicken bones on the ground. And a cigarette butt. Who's stupid enough to actually be smoking in the hallway? We saw Mrs. Hershey and I was like "There's chicken bones all over the ground! Crazy freshmen!" and I told her she should bleach them and do things with them in class. She said we should tie the freshmen from the lockers and the ceilings. Hmm..that could be a solution.

I need to find a baby picture for the yearbook. Maybe I'll bring a few to school tomorrow so people can help me pick. Or so people can see how goofy I was.

OH. And my stupid psych teacher WASN'T EVEN THERE TODAY SO SHE GOT ME IN TROUBLE FOR NOTHING. I'd call her a bitch, but I actually like my psych teacher despite the fact that she got me in trouble.

I ran out of things to say. I wish I was funny today.

Today was looooooong. I forgot my Psych paper was due today, so I was just gonna e-mail it to her tonight. But she CALLED MY MOTHER. What the hell? I'm one of the people that actually does my work in that class, that's just not right. What's also not right is MY MOTHER SHOWING UP AT SCHOOL at 3:00 and embarassing me and being like "Why the hell didn't you hand in your term paper?". Crazy woman.

So my computer ate my psych paper. And I just wrote the whole thing in a few hours. Brain melty.

Oh yes, the cast list for the musical went up today, and of course I was not on it. With my bitchy act with Ms. Mitchell they definitely should have at least considered letting me read for Domina, but oh well. Mike got the lead! Yay Mike! I knew he would, he's perfect for it. And Liza got Philia! Whee!!! She was so happy. I love seeing people happy. :-) Philippe got Lycus, so he is a pimp as usual. But he will be a very good pimp. And Mari came up to me in the hallway screaming "I'm a whore! I'm a whore!" and that made me laugh a lot. Miles got screwed over, but he doesn't seem too upset about it, and he doesn't hate Ben. I feel kind of bad for Ben because I think he realized that people really didn't want him to have that part. Poor guy. Clay got Erronios or however you spell it and I think it's just perfect for him.

I am in the pit with my violin. Woohoo. Not really. I am kind of sad that I'm not in the cast. I don't regret walking out of the audition, really, I feel like I did what was right in the situation, but I still would have liked to be in it. It's sad, this is my last year and I was really looking forward to it, especially after last year when there was only four chorus songs. ::sigh:: I'm getting mopey, that's bad. I will not be upset, I will not be upset, I will not be upset...or maybe a little.

But pit is okay. Although playing violin for three hours straight...ow. People don't understand that it hurts to sit with your arms up that way. Diane's in pit, though! Yay! And Patricia is too, which is cool 'cause I never see Patricia anymore.

I feel like my writing is so bad lately, and boring. Grr. I'm just all over the place lately. Maybe it's because school is in a rut and nothing very interesting happens. I can't wait till vacation.

Over vacation my only plans so far are working sometimes, maybe, if my boss ever calls me back and if she doesn't she can just fuck off and I won't work Nutcracker and it'll be fine with me. I might see my friend from the city sometime, I'm going to go see Christmas trees and lights and pretty stuff with Matt one day, I'll probably end up going to see Catch Me If You Can on Christmas (Jewish ritual for Christmas day: Go to the movies, get some Chinese food. Ask anyone Jewish, they'll all tell you the same.) Have to figure out New Years, though. Don't know what I'm doing then. Oooh, and Molly's coming back this week, so I'll be sure to do something with her.

And now it's late and I'm hungry and tired, so I'm gonna stop writing. I hope I can stop writing so crazily soon. It's not as much fun as the way I usually write. G'night.

Monday, December 16, 2002

Is Blogger really being a bitch to EVERYONE today?

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I went to bed at 2:30 last night and woke up before 12 which is amazing because usually I could sleep till 2 with minimal interruption.

The beginning of the day was spent sitting around in pajamas doing absolutely nothing. Interim came and my mom was like "I know we talked about this, but I might have to call anyway to show that I'm concerned." or something like that, and then I told her to stop it because she doesn't have to prove that she's a good mother to my teachers, they know she is, and I know she is, and all that calling them will accomplish is giving me a nervous breakdown. So I'm getting notes. But still. She doesn't get it.

Started getting ready for the concert at about 4:30 and my grandmother showed up at around 5:00 even though she completely knew the concert wasn't till 7. Not only did she show up early, she just unlocked the door with her emergency key and walked in because she said we weren't answering the door. But we told her the doorbell was broken awhile ago, and she really could have knocked. She's crazy.

Went and got Mari and we got there at 6:15 while thinking up a plausible story for our lateness ("My car wouldn't start! It was horrible!") but nobody even asked or seemed to care, so it wasn't needed. Phew.

The concert went okay. I am proud to say I was the only person who was a member of both chamber choir and orchestra (okay, not really, Ian is too, but he wasn't there). That either makes me really cool or a big nerd. It was kind of frustrating, though. When we got there I had to get my robe and then tune my violin which decided to go insanely out of tune because it is old and crappy and not even mine but belongs to the school. Then the choir went on and we did pretty well, I think. Imhoff actually did a good job at introducing things without being annoying or stupid or trying to make his voice an octive lower like Mr. Duncan used to do. After choir, I ran back to the orchestra room, got my violin, hung out for a few minutes and then went back onstage with the orchestra while carrying my robe with me so I could run and sing Messiah with the choir at the end. Orchestra was NOT pretty. We had to start one song over a couple of times which is so extremely embarassing. Mr. May took the blame, but still, it didn't make us look so good. We're already the laughing stock of the music program (Man, that is pathetic. Being the biggest nerds in a big bunch of nerds.) During the same song there is one part that is supposed to be played with a mute (for non-music people = a thing you put on your instrument to make it sound softer) and May told us that if we didn't have a mute, we shouldn't play that section. Except that none of the second violins had mutes. So I was possibly the only second violin playing that section (I didn't have a mute, but I didn't care, I just played really softly) and it was kind of embarassing because I must have looked weird doing entirely different bowing and everything from everyone else.

Anyway, I'm sure you were all bored by that and skipped down to the next paragraph by now.

Orchestra was eh. And then we had Messiah which was both orchestra and chorus, so I put my violin down and ran offstage, put on my robe while running in the hallway to get to the other stage door which I found to be...locked. Some bastard had locked it and I couldn't get in. Fuck. I tried the other stage door which was actually visible from the stage, but it worked and I did it discretely enough that no one noticed. Phew.

Messiah kicked ass. And that's all I have to say.

After the concert, Matt, Philippe and I decided to go do stuff. After sitting in Matt's car for awhile and being indecisive, we went to the diner (very funny things happened there. Go read Matt's blog for details about George Clooney and his insanely large nipples and the waitress who hated Matt. It's very funny.) and then to Philippe's house to find a DVD to watch. We found "The Bone Collector" and then went to Matt's to watch. That was lots of fun and Philippe kept falling asleep and waking up randomly and getting confused while Matt and I just laughed. Then it was time to leave and that was sad because I was having fun. Matt drove in front of me to the high school because I had no idea where I was going, but before we could even get that far I had to get out of his driveway which I was horrible at. I hit the curb at least three times. Go me.

Got home. Sat around. Wrote in blog. Sleepy time!!

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Interim's are being mailed out so I'll probably get mine today. Eek. It's going to say really shitty things, I'm sure. But only because I was absent for everything and didn't get to finish make up stuff till AFTER the teachers wrote out the interim's. And now my mom will freak out, even though I just tried to have a nice little talk with her explaining what happened. She said she still might want to call my teachers which I HATE because it makes me a nervous wreck, but I downgraded it to I will just get notes from my teachers saying that I'm caught up. The more I think about it, the more ridiculous it is that my mother still acts this way. I'm 17, I'm going to be in college next year. You'd think she'd let me handle things on my own a little more by now.

But I don't want to get into parental issues now because I'm in a really really good mood today. Nervous about the interim crap, but still in a really good mood.

Concert tonight!

Friday, December 13, 2002

ANNASTAR1 (6:24:06 PM): i just took one of the quiz things on your blob

Anna is so cool. :-D

And now what you ALL want to read about.

The musical auditions. Except...

I didn't have a musical audition. I will explain.

At the beginning of the auditions, Linda got upset about something that I'm not gonna talk about, because it's her thing to talk about. But whatever, she was upset about something and I asked Mr. Healy if I could go outside with her for a few minutes and then come back to audition and he said yes. Stephane came out a few seconds later and so did Mr. Healy and once Linda was okay, we went back inside.

I got called up to dance. Only problem, I had missed learning the dance. I don't know if they had gone over it again while I was outside, but whatever. So Ms. Mitchell gets up, does the dance in about five seconds and I was then expected to do it. Now I am not and have never claimed to be a dancer. I can barely walk without banging into something, seriously. So my basic response was "Umm....huh?!?!". That's when Bethany says, "Are you not going to be able to get it from that? 'Cause if not, you don't have to audition."


So after doing a double take, I say something like, "Well I want to audition, I just never learned the dance."

That's when Ms. Mitchell starts to bitch at me. First, you should know that this woman has hated me for three years because I can't dance. She's the one who used to call me "Girl in the tee shirt". She starts saying I should have learned the dance. Now I started to get pissed. I was kind of getting a little bit of an attitude, and told her that I had been in Washington DC looking at colleges the day of the actual auditions and hadn't been there to learn the dance. "All this time?! You were there for two weeks?! You couldn't have gotten someone to teach you the dance?!" She says this as she tries to walk me away from the "stage" area.


1. I had no idea what went on at the auditions. I didn't even know when I'd be able to audition, if I would be able to at all.
2. The people at the original auditions hadn't known the dance ahead of time. I had actually thought of maybe asking someone to show me what the dance was like, but I thought that would be unfair since I would have more time to prepare than everyone else.
3. No one told me that I would be expected to know the dance at the audition. No one told me anything. I'm sorry I can't learn a dance in five seconds with an entire room of my peers staring at me, it's just a talent I've never mastered. I'm sorry that I didn't know if I went outside to comfort my friend that I'd end up missing something crucial to my audition, I asked Mr. Healy and he said it was okay. But really...I'm not sorry at all, so fuck off, bitch.

So I said to Ms. Mitchell, "Okay. I'm not auditioning."

She was soooo not expecting that. She was thinking I'd have a breakdown right there in front of everyone.

"Well," she says, "I guess MAYBE Heidi or someone could teach you the dance outside, or...."

Okay, so there's an option. But really, if this is how the musical is starting out...if these are the people I'm going to have to work with if I get in...I'm not wasting three months of my life on this.

"No," I say, "That's okay. I'm not auditioning." And I get my stuff, and I leave.

And I'm halfway down the hallway and I hear the door opening behind me and Philippe had followed me out and then I started crying because...well, I'm a girl and when something like that happens...you cry. Philippe made me feel a little better and I told him to go back inside and do his callback and kick everyone's ass. Linda comes back from where ever she had gone, and Stephane walks out saying he's not doing the musical because he can't get Hysterium. Linda made me feel a little better, and then a lot of people were done auditioning and were leaving. I signed up for pit and talked to Mr. May who said he'd be glad to let me play. Then I gave Monica a ride home and here I am.

So I'll be in pit, and that will be fun because I'll get to play my violin. And Ms. Mitchell is a bitch.

All insults or people telling me that I'm a moron can be told to me on AIM at TypicalBrunette.

Although there's no promise that I won't tell you to fuck off.

Thursday, December 12, 2002

It's good to know that my friends have alternate professions picked out in case they don't go to college after all:

ThisMilkIsHot (9:56:50 PM): stoooooooooopot
ThisMilkIsHot (9:56:54 PM): stoopit
TypicalBrunette (9:57:08 PM): and it's stooopid, not stoopit. stooopid.
ThisMilkIsHot (9:57:14 PM): stoopit
ThisMilkIsHot (9:57:31 PM): as in, "Whataya, stoo-pit?!"
TypicalBrunette (9:57:38 PM): stoo-pid!!
TypicalBrunette (9:57:46 PM): no one says stoo-pit
TypicalBrunette (9:57:53 PM): oh my god and we're going to college next year
ThisMilkIsHot (9:57:59 PM): not me
TypicalBrunette (9:58:15 PM): no you what?
ThisMilkIsHot (9:58:43 PM): im not going to college
TypicalBrunette (9:58:56 PM): oh really...what are you doing instead?
ThisMilkIsHot (9:59:20 PM): im going to be a professional bum
TypicalBrunette (9:59:26 PM): hehe

My parents are trying to pick out a baby picture of me for the yearbook. They showed me some of the pictures that they narrowed it down to and let me tell you, I was one goofy baby. One of the pictures is me at about one looking like I'm having a very serious conversation with two stuffed animals. One is of me in a high chair "eating" spinach (eating in quotation marks because the spinach is all over the chair and all over me, but I doubt I actually ate any of it because I hate spinach and always have). Another one is of me at I dunno, three or four maybe, very blonde, and sitting on top of a giant Snoopy doll while using it's ears as a seatbelt. You'd have to see it to understand it. I told ya. I was a goofy kid (ha, like I'm not goofy now, riiiight).

I fixed Kazaa!!! YES!! Okay, I didn't really fix it so much as just downloaded it again, but who cares, I have music and I'm happy. :-D

In chorus today Imhoff was trying to get everyone to go from the risers to seats and back to the risers, except that I went to him and said, "Um, I don't sit down, I have to go up for orchestra so don't put a seat for me," to which he responded, "Okay, you know what you should do? Go right out in front and scream I'M IN ORCHESTRA! I'M IN ORCHESTRA!"


Okay, not really. But it was extremely embarassing. Imhoff's a weirdo sometimes.

At lunch there were really weird conversations that made us all sound like we were racists.

Robin: We're reading The Jungle in English. It's really weird and has parts in Lithuanian.
Matt: Lithuanian?!
Philippe: Why? Do you hate Lithuanian's, Matt?
Matt: I hate Jews.
Mike: Me too. You know who I hate? Catholics.
Robin: Oh yeah, me too. But you know who I ESPECIALLY hate? Guys with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Mike: HA! I don't have blue eyes! I have GREY eyes!

(Just to make it clear we're NOT actually a bunch of racists: Matt's Jewish, Mike's Catholic and doesn't hate Jews (I think), I don't actually hate Catholics or people with blonde hair and blue eyes and as far as I know, no one hates Lithuanians either which is good 'cause I'm half Lithuanian which is just too much fun to say because who the hell comes from Lithuania?!)

And then:

Robin: We couldn't find parking and we were waiting in the parking lot for this woman who was putting grocery bags in her car to finish so we could take her parking spot. So she was putting her groceries away, and she sees us waiting, and she keeps putting her groceries away, and finally she's done....and then she closes the trunk and walks away. AND THEN SHE JAYWALKED IN FRONT OF US!
Mike: You should have run her over.
Matt: That's what I said!
Anthony: Murder's kind of illegal, though.
Robin: Yeah, well so is jaywalking!!


I took a quiz in psychology and forgot what the Ego does and made something up. And then I found out that our final is going to be open notes. Yes!!

I beat Matt at ping pong! And then Rebecca beat him, too! Then he got mad and he beat me really easily twice. But, still...I beat Matt at ping pong! After that, Rebecca and I went back to doing what we usually do in ping pong which is thinking up as many silly things to do that are sort of related to ping pong but doesn't actually require having any skill. Today we tried hitting the ball with our eyes closed. We have previously tried hitting the ball backwards, seeing how far across the room we could hit it, and completely dumping the paddles and trying to throw the ping pong ball into a basketball net. Do you honestly expect us to play ping pong for 50 minutes straight?!

English was boring.

Parnassian/Governers Awards meeting after school that was kinda pointless except everyone saw a yearbook from 8th grade. Miles you looked SOOOOO different. And you're stoopid.

And then I came home.

P.S. Mari and Liza got linked! Hooray!!

I was bored. I took quizzes. Please don't shoot me.

What box do you get put in?

brought to you by Quizilla
And I bet you thought I'd get something angsty....

What Sign of Affection Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
Aw, I like snuggles.... (I'm sure I'll be embarassed by this statement later, but whatever, it's true)

How can I label you?

brought to you by Quizilla

And now I have to eat dinner.

WHY am I awake still?!

This afternoon I was driving out of the student lot and Kyle rode past me on a unicycle. Kyle amuses me.

That's it. G'night.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Time to update the blog since my dad is planning on stealing the computer at 10 to play some stupid game. Sigh.

I just wish I could think of anything interesting to say. And you know when I start off an entry like that, it's gonna end up really long and stupid....

The chorus/orchestra concert is on Saturday and I seem to be the only one there who'll be performing in both groups. Yup, I'm a music nerd, go me. I'm even worse than a band dork 'cause I'm not even in band. Anyway, I found out that the chorus is singing first, then the orchestra plays, then the chorus and orchestra sing/play a song together and that will require me to jump offstage and onto one of the risers while trying to put a robe on. Meaning if you want to see me trip and topple over a whole bunch of people, come to the concert on Saturday. I told Mr. May that I'd have to jump off the stage to sing with the chorus he thought I meant I'd literally jump off the stage and onto the floor in front of everyone and said, "Wow, that'd be cool" like he was watching an action movie with big explotions.

Weird, weird man.

More defending of Mrs. Hershey as the best teacher ever: She wrote on my test that she'd never hate me 'cause I'm bad at bio, and then she wrote that I'm not bad at bio (despite the fact that I had just bombed the test). And she said she'll take into consideration that I wasn't there for a very long time before the test. Yay!

My mom's school got cancelled today so she was there when I got home which was scary 'cause I thought something bad had happened. But nope, everything was fine and I don't know why I'm writing about it except that it's something to write about.

My hair got really long and I only cut it two months ago. I kinda like it, heh. Of course, now that I said that, my hair will start to turn on me. Sigh.

Is it Friday yet?

Note to Matt: I don't care WHAT you say, Mrs. Hershey is the best teacher ever and bio can be considered a better class simply by the fact that we get to play with gerbils and watch venus fly traps get fed. Do you get to do THAT in physics? Nooooo. Plus you have to do math in physics and no one likes that.

-Written by the girl who only passed physics by copying off of Philippe

Anyway. I would write more but I'm really hungry and there's chinese food downstairs. Bye!

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Matt came over and gave me college envelopes! Yay!

I say "Yay!" way too much.

But he came inside and talked for a little while and we had to hide in the kitchen because my father was in the living room and giving me funny looks. And it came up how my parents don't know anything about blogs or my blog or anyone's blog and I pray to god that they never will because that would be BAD.


I talked to Liza and Miles in a chat room and we are the weirdest fucking bunch of kids on the planet.

I need to find scenes for governers awards.

I can't wait till the weekend.

I can't wait till vacation.

I can't wait till I'm in a college...sigh.

TypicalBrunette (9:58:34 PM): i just applyed to american
TypicalBrunette (9:58:35 PM): eek
DaThrillPh (9:58:54 PM): GAH
DaThrillPh (9:58:58 PM): I hate college
TypicalBrunette (9:59:03 PM): me too
TypicalBrunette (9:59:06 PM): it was scary
DaThrillPh (9:59:09 PM): I think I'll take a year off
TypicalBrunette (9:59:12 PM): hehe
DaThrillPh (9:59:16 PM): just working
DaThrillPh (9:59:23 PM): and then I'll go to college
TypicalBrunette (9:59:29 PM): what kinda work?
DaThrillPh (9:59:59 PM): male gigolo
TypicalBrunette (10:00:06 PM): lmao
TypicalBrunette (10:00:19 PM): ::sneakily copies and pastes into blog::

Bored bored bored bored.

So here's what I've been thinking today:

Even if I DO get to try out for the musical and on the off chance that I'll get in at this late date since THEY ALREADY POSTED CALL BACKS (which I have issues with, but am vastly outnumbered by people who are pissed that they don't even have the cast list up yet, so I'm not going to say anything. If you want my opinion on this, you know my screen name...probably...and if you don't...oh well), I'm very very not sure I'd want to be in it as I'd get some shit role that would require me to be onstage for about five seconds, but I would still have to spend 6 hours a day at rehearsal. At least at my job I got paid for wasting my time.

We had a bio test today that I was so unprepared for as I've only been in class three times in two weeks. So I wrote on the top of my paper "Please don't hate me 'cause I'm bad at bio!!!". Then later when I was leaving, I saw Mrs. Hershey who said, "I don't hate you! You're really not that bad at bio," to which I replied, "Only bio tests." But that was nice of her, considering I'm missing like EVERYTHING in that class due to all my absences. :::sigh:::

I need college envelopes.

AND we had a fire drill today. I'm still waiting for a bomb scare. Is it bad if I'd kinda welcome one at this point? At least it'd break up some of the routine.

Getting kicked off computer now. More later, maybe? Bye.

Know what's funny? When people write "cya" and they mean "see ya", because once my aunt told me that at her work someone had written "cya" in a memo or something and it meant Cover Your Ass.

Something to think about.


Monday, December 09, 2002

My comments are being weird and not telling me when I have comments. I missed ones from both Philippe and Mari, which is sad, 'cause I love comments! (hint hint)

I can't wait till vacation, I can't wait till vacation.

Stephane tried to steal my scene with Josh and we ended up having a very silly fight in the hallway. Not even really a fight, more just silly. So I made Josh cross out Stephane's name and put mine, except he spelled it wrong. With a Y. Apparently, I spell it like a boy 'cause I use an I just like Robin Hood and Robin from Batman. But no, I swear I spell it the right way, everyone else is just wrong.

And then I almost got in a fight with Linda because I didn't realize that she did infact want to do a scene with me and then I felt really bad 'cause I want to do a scene with Linda, too, so now we're going to do a comedy scene. Yay for acting. Also, yay for run on sentences. Somewhere, Mr. Lombardo is cringing and he doesn't know why.

I can't see Philippe's update and it's driving me insane.

I wish my Kazaa worked.

Christina gave me Hannukah presents today. A book, a funny calender, and a little fountain thingy which is all very cool. I have to get her something really good now. Damnit. I also have to do the rest of my Christmas shopping...I can't believe I have to do Christmas shopping even though I'm Jewish. Oh well, it's okay, it can be fun, I guess.

I almost tripped on a chair in front of my entire psychology class. Yes, I'm just that cool.

Drove around aimlessly with Matt today. My mother made me promise that I'd explain to him that she wasn't watching us last night when he dropped me off. It looked like she was because she saw headlights in the driveway and went to go see what it was, then realized it was us and slammed the door and it looked like she had been standing there waiting for me to get home. My poor mother. She thinks all my friends think she's crazy, which they do, but they also think she's funny. That makes up for it a little, right?

I may or may not get to try out for the musical. I may or may not actually want to be in the musical anymore because I'm not sure how much of Imhoff and Healy I could stand. Not to mention the choreographer lady who hates me and always calls me "Girl in the red t-shirt"...or blue t-shirt...or green sweater...you get the point. She calls me one of those things and then she yells at me about my arms or my feet or that I'm not smiling enough or whatthefuckever I don't care I'm not a dancer so shut up already. If I don't get into the cast, I'll do pit because for some reason I can actually stand Mr. May a hell of a lot more than Imhoff or Healy. Probably because he is not indecisive like Imhoff and he does not talk for hours on end about nothing like Healy. And sometimes he's amusing. When he's not being a total prick.

And Diane got a blog! Even though they scare her! Woohoo!!

I'm frenzied and angsty, Miles?

Oh dear.

Might as well change my name to Daria now.

And now I'm very tired, so I won't post about my weekend as that was boring and I don't feel like writing about it. I'll write about it later, maybe.

Went to Miles's (again with the apostrophe's, damnit!) to watch Eddie Izzard with Miles, Matt, Mari, and Philippe (my yay for "various other people" in my last post stays put, these people deserve a "yay!"). Eddie Izzard = funny as all hell. Squished into a tiny chair with Matt while Mari and Miles were on the couch and Philippe was in the chair on the other side of the room. Philippe made faces at me. And he says I glared at him when he said "And I'll get the single seat" but that is untrue. I didn't glare at him until well after the movie when I got up and he gave me funny looks again. Dumbass.

Anyway, the movie was very funny except we didn't get to see all of it 'cause we got kicked out at 9:30. So Matt and I drove in circles for awhile (literally, we drove around this traffic circle like five times) and then I got dropped off and now I'm very very tired.

This is a short post. Short posts suck. They make me sad because usually short posts are funny and I want to laugh more and there's nothing more to laugh it.

Ugh, I'm so tired.

I want to see the rest of Eddie Izzard...but more importantly, I want to sleep. G'night.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

I was going to post a long and stupid update except that I am now going to go watch Eddie Izzard (yay!) with Matt (yay!) and various other people (yay!....I think...I actually don't know who these people are...but whatever, yay!).

Friday, December 06, 2002

Yay! I found something to do! Woohoo!

Soon after saying I wanted to go out and take pictures, I got a call from Philippe saying that he and Mike and Miles and Mari were all at Miles's (fuck Miles, why does your name have to have an S at the end?! It just confuses everything!) house. So I convinced my mom to take me there after much "Um...well, I don't know...let me think about it..the roads are pretty bad...oh, okay". And then on the way there was lots of, "I can't believe I'm driving in this weather, this is so stupid. You're a spoiled brat, you know that?".....thanks Mom.

Got to Miles's (damn apostrophes) house after half an hour of driving at ten miles an hour to find people under blankets claiming to not be wearing clothing. Greaaat, I'd driven all this way for a naked party.

But not really. Everyone was clothed and just being silly. But you believed me for a minute, right?....Nevermind, it's late and I don't make so much sense right now.

We ended up watching part of Jesus Christ Superstar which was a crappy video, but probably a very good production live. After that it was time for pizza. I can't believe they actually delivered on a day like today.

I can't think of anything witty to say about these events and it's kind of upsetting me. Anyway, moving on.

Matt called at some point to say he was walking over. After pizza we were sitting around and someone said, "That's it. Matt's dead. He's just a lump covered with snow by now."...of course Matt picked right then to finally get there in three layers of clothing and a ski mask. Great timing.

Following that there was talk of going to Mike's house, except that no one's clothes were dry from sledding so we had to wait around for that. We hung around in the basement for a little bit where Mari and I tried on Joseph wigs and all the guys played ping pong (ack, even on a snow day!). We finally realized that the clothes wouldn't be dry anytime soon and it was much warmer upstairs, so we went up there and started playing Silent Football. Very strange game, but hilarious. Although my mom called in the middle to say she was picking me up and I ended up getting 30 or so penance points for talking and getting up and I don't even know what. After that was The Haha game where everyone puts their heads on each others stomachs and laugh...yes...it's exactly as weird as it sounds. But it was also very funny. I kept laughing (actual laughing, not haha game laughing...oh damn that's confusing, nevermind) and screwing it up because when you laugh your stomach moves and then the person lying on your stomach starts laughing and it's a big mess. At one point Miles's mother came downstairs, took one look at us and said, "I need a camera." She couldn't find one, but I had brought my digital camera on the off chance that something picture worthy would happen (yeah, I'm a freak who brings my camera everywhere, shut up) and she took a picture of us. There were a couple more pictures after that, all of them very funny, mostly of people making weird faces or of the dog covered in snow. Then my mom showed up and I had to leave and apparently missed a whole bunch of fun at Mike's house. Oh well.

And now I have to leave for DC tomorrow morning and I don't want to. :::sigh::: Ever notice how I never seem to want to go anywhere? That's possibly because I'm always going with my parents. Oh well. Hopefully this will be okay, although the snowy driving will probably scare me somewhat. Did I suddenly develop a fear of travel or something? That would suck. Anyway, I'll see you all (maybe...I'm not sure who reads this anymore...if you're someone I never talk to, I probably won't see you) when I get back, I hope. G'night.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Today is "Robin Posts Too Much in her Blog" day.

I wanna go out and take pictures with my pretty digital camera...but not by myself and I can't find people to go take pictures with. And I can't drive anywhere. And I doubt my mom would drive me anywhere. Blah.

Well I tried calling both of them and no one is answering...buttheads.

(I'm sooooo bored)


So I woke up late this morning. Well, not really. Later than I wanted to. I have to set both of the alarms on my alarm clock because I usually turn the first one off in my sleep, or wake up, turn it off, and decide that sleeping more would be so much better than actually getting out of my nice warm bed and going to dumb old school. So I woke up around 7:15 this morning and looked out my window to see...absolutely no snow. My response to this "What bullshit is this?! Four inches of snow my ass!"...of course, this was all kinda mumbly 'cause my mouth didn't want to wake up yet and wasn't working so well. About five seconds later, my mom comes storming into my room saying it was snowing pretty hard out and she was going to drive me to school (insert grumble from me here). The only good part of that was I got to sleep later since I wouldn't have to drive my dad to the train.

Anyway. I finally got downstairs to eat breakfast at about 7:40 and...hey, look. Snow! Lots of snow! It took twenty minutes to get to school instead of the usual 5-10 since we had to go 5 miles an hour down Valley. I guess it was good that I didn't get to drive to school, I probably would have died.

Got there late, but for once Mr. May didn't care. Phew. Played my violin, blah blah blah all that boring stuff. Got to chorus where half the people were missing and was told that musical auditions were cancelled for today and that we'd still get to audition if we couldn't go tomorrow. Also phew. We weren't in chorus for five minutes before Mrs. Pollack got on the loud speaker and said, "Good morning everyone. I need everyone's attention. I'll give teachers a minute to get their students to quiet down." or something like that. So everyone automatically started talking more about how they were cancelling school and everyone started crossing their fingers and staring up at the loud speaker waiting for her to start talking again. The announcement went something like this, "Alright, when I ring the bell....(extremely long pause)....all after school and evening activities are cancelled....(extremely long pause with a big groan from every kid in the school 'cause we thought that was the end of the announcement)...but when I ring the bell, students will go to their lockers for five minutes....(extremely long pause, everyone starts to get twitchy)....and then will proceed...(pause)...directly home. (the entire student body screams and applauds so loudly that I'm sure you could hear us in Millburn)."

So I called my mom to tell her school was cancelled and ask for a ride home and she responded with, "Oh Jesus, I just got home! (it was around 9:00 by then, she had dropped me off at 8:15)". On the way to get me, a guy in a pick-up truck apparently backed into her. Eek. She's okay, and this car didn't get smushed (thank goodness, one smushed car this year was more than enough). All that happened was the license plate got dented and my mom was extra pissed off when she picked me up and gave Emily K a ride home. She honked at some kids jay walking on Kensington and they laughed at her. Stupid kids. And now I feel like calling Matt and/or Philippe 'cause they'd both crack up at the thought of my other car getting smushed, but I think they're probably both in the same place anyway and I can't decide which one to call which means I'll probably end up being too lazy to call either of them and they'll just read it here no matter what I do.

AND I'm probably not leaving for DC until tomorrow morning because of the snow. Joy. Know what this means? Four day weekend for Robin! Yay!!!

Well I'm in a shit-tastic mood. Yeah, I made up a word.

I never thought I'd miss my reputation as the Jewish Virgin Mary of CHS.

I've also realized that people are really..convincable? persuadable? I dunno, I'm tired.

But people I'm friends with have actually wondered if the stupid rumor is true and that hurts a little, but I can deal with it. Yeah, Philippe and I hang out a lot, but that's 'cause we're friends and that's all. So if you're gonna think anything badly about me 'cause I hang out with a guy...well..fuck off. Who needs you?

I need a vacation.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Got yelled at a whole bunch in Orchestra today. Well, not me personally, but May just flipped out on everyone because no one can play a G#, which is extremely sad. The highlight of orchestra was that we actually had heat today.

I fell asleep in math. Oops. It's not like we were actually doing anything, just taking that dumb survey. And I sit way in back next to the radiator so I was all warm and sleepy and it couldn't be helped, I swear. Fortunetely I didn't get caught. I wasn't so much asleep as I just kept drifting off while writing. So I got home today and fell asleep again which was good, because I realized the reason I keep falling asleep in class is not just because it's boring, but because I've had about ten hours of sleep total for the entire week. Not good.

You know what's a funny phrase? "It's cold as hell out." From what I've been told, hell is not at all cold, but actually very very hot.

And now I just got really pissed off over musical things. Fuck fuck fuck.

Okay, so apparently everyone known to man has a blog (except for Anna, lol) and I just wasn't aware. Eh.

If your initials are JZ and you are reading this (which I doubt you are), I think I'm about to force you into doing a scene with me for Governer's Awards. Be warned.

For Hannukah a couple days ago I got a new memory card for my camera. On best quality it holds 131 PICTURES!!! That's insane. But so extremely cool. I have to find fun things to take pictures of now because no one wants 131 pictures of my cat. ::shudder::

Tuesday, December 03, 2002



...This blog thing is getting insane. Everyone's getting them now. It's kinda fun, but a little scary. Maybe I should get rid of my counter. It scares me to know that 22 people came to my page today. I'm not even sure I know 22 people.

My computer's making weird noises. I'm scared.

Also, my fingers are partially numb. Stupid cold weather. I need some gloves.

Today was okay, even though I pretty much slept through it. There was no mention of the evil rumor, except for when I made jokes about it or we were just talking about how stupid it was. Linda and I were talking about it in bio and Rebecca found out and said, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." That makes me happy.

I was supposed to audition for the musical today, but at the last minute saw an open spot on Thursday and grabbed it. I was totally unprepared and then saw that the person who started the stupid rumor would be auditioning today and...well, I'm just very grateful there was an open spot on Thursday. So after school I went and practiced some with Linda, Mike, Philippe, and Amy who wasn't actually there to practice but didn't have a ride home without Mike. Linda and I are both trying out for Domina. I don't know why I'm trying out for Domina except that I know if I tried out for Philia, Liza would kick my ass no question. And since I'm probably not getting in anyway, I might as well have fun at the audition, and Domina is fun.

Dan found my blog...damn...I mean...that's great...right...sure. Kidding, Dan, only kidding. Don't use your scary student council president powers on me. Do you even get any powers with that job? Nevermind.

Also, Philippe linked me with a title that makes me seem extra slutty. "Robin and her Merry Men"...c'mon, that's slutty as hell! He says it's a parody on Robin Hood Men in Tights, but...c'mon!!!

Hmm..I think I'm done ridiculing my friends now. Maybe I should do some homework.

Monday, December 02, 2002

How can I still be a grown up when such horrible rumors are being spread about me?

There's some dumb rumor about me and Philippe going around which is so untrue that it's actually kinda funny. But I'm still pissed as all hell at the person who started it. And really hurt. More hurt than pissed at this point. And trying to figure out what to do and I just can't figure it out. I'm trying to be adult and mature, but then I totally flipped out when taking Parnassian pictures after school. I'm trying to just ignore it, but it's not that easy. The thought that anyone would ever believe I'd do a thing like that...



Other than that, my day was okay. I kept falling asleep in Bio and Psych. Not good. In ping pong we got bored and started just trying to hit the ping pong ball across the room and playing basketball with it. Math was stupid and there was a fire alarm that everyone thought was a bomb scare during 9th. After school we had to take a photo of Parnassian for I don't even know what. The school paper? I dunno. Anyway, Brent came up to me talking about the stupid rumor and I flipped out and screamed and it wasn't pretty. Oops.

After that I went to the mall with Matt to buy each others Hannukah presents (that sentence is probably soooo grammatically incorrect but I don't care!). We both had to do it, so he suggested we do it at the same time. Of course, they didn't have what he was going to get me...oh well. So we just hung around for awhile and went to Burger King to get cheap food and that was fun and made me forget about the stupidity that's going on elsewhere in my life.

And I get to see Scary College Lady twice this week! Joy of joys! :::big fake smile:::

Meanwhile, for a Jewish person, it's amazing how much I like Christmas music. It's pretty weird, actually.

And then my computer exploded AGAIN.

Everyone's in a bad mood today, including me, but I'm getting out of it. Too bad it's one in the morning.

Sunday, December 01, 2002

I have work at 8:30 AM tomorrow...ugh. Let's hope my alarm wakes me up. Let's hope I remember to set it.

Today wasn't very exciting. Woke up at 1 (I looooove sleeping late), went out at around 3 and got Sam a gift certificate to Sam Goodie and myself an outfit for the Bar Mitzvah I have to go to next weekend. Came home and went to my Aunt's for Hannukah/Thanksgiving leftovers. I just need to say that my grandfather has an incredible sense of humor for someone on so much medication and going through so much.

Anyway, I got a terrifyingly ugly shirt from my grandparents (my grandmother, more likely, I doubt my grandfather has ever helped pick out my presents). Of course, I told her it was great and I'd wear it. But I don't think I will. It's black with weird little sparkly things and weird shoulders. Like my shoulders aren't weird enough already. My aunt got me a shirt that I actually like. My uncle got me a gift certificate to Old Navy (hmm...do I sense a theme here?). My parents got me the soundtrack to Miss Saigon...yay!

And now I've run out of things to say. So bye.

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